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Vital Records (Birth, Death, Marriage)
1912 - Elementarbuch Der Deutschen Sprache (Chapter 1 only) - old German/Prussian alphabet
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Bible Records - Clara Tagatz Weckwerth (8 pages)

Browse Misc. Papers and Publications
1915 Westfield High School Yearbook images & transcription (Table of Contents)
"A Warnke Genealogy", by Orlan Warnke
"From the Prairie to the Pulpit" - Journal entries by August G. Mueller
Early History of Marquette County - written by Laura Bertha Tagatz in 1920

Cross-Referenced Index of Places, Buildings, Locations on Images
American House - Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI: PL15
Berlin, WI - St. John's Christian Day School: M2
Business Street - Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI: PL18
Church - Lutheran Church in Richford, Wis.: PL1; Aerial view
Christian Endeavor Academy: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Church - M. E. Church, Westfield: YB6 (1915)
Cook, Lyman J. - Residence - Packwaukee, WI: PL5
Creamery - Germania, Marquette Co., WI: PL19
Endeavor - Christian Endeavor Academy: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Farmer Street - Princeton, Green Lake Co., Wisconsin: PL13
Flouring Mill - Germania: PL14
Germania - Commune Buildings: PL20
Germania - Creamery: PL19
Germania Flouring Mill: PL14
Germania - near mill: "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 32a)
Germania (Mecan River): PL7 (Dam); PL8 (Bridge)
Germania (Marquette Co., WI) - Fred Phillips' Farm House: PL10
Germania or nearby area (Marquette Co., WI) - School House and Students: PL22
Lumber Camp near Richford, Wisconsin: PL3
Lutheran Church in Richford, Wisconsin: PL1
Main Street, Westfield: YB6 (1915)
Mecan Bridge (near Germania, WI): PL8
M. E. Church, Westfield: YB6 (1915)
Moss Residence, Westfield: YB6 (1915)
"Nymph" of Fox River - Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI: PL16
Packwaukee (Marquette Co., Wisconsin) - Lyman J. Cook Residence: PL5
Phillips, Fred - Residence (Germania, Marquette Co., WI): PL10
Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI - American House: PL15
Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI - Business Street: PL18
Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI - Farmer Street: PL13
Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI - "Nymph" of Fox River: PL16
Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI - Water Street: PL17
Richford (Waushara Co., Wis.) - Aerial View: PL4
Richford - Lutheran Church: PL1; PL4
Richford - School House and Students: PL2
Richford area - Lumber Camp: PL3
Richford - Wichner Store: PL4
Schubert's Grocery & Hardware Store in Pipe, WI: PL9
School - Christian Endeavor Academy: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
School - in Berlin (St. John's Christian Day School): M2
School - in or near Germania, Wisconsin: PL22
School - near Richford, Wisconsin: PL2
Spring Street, Westfield: YB6 (1915)
Westfield High Schools (Marquette Co., Wisconsin): YB3 (1915); PL11; PL12
St. John's Christian Day School - Berlin, WI (Corner Mound & Ceresco): M2
Tagatz, Martin - Farm House: T42
Water Street - Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI: PL17
Westfield - Main Street: YB6 (1915)
Westfield - M. E. Church: YB6 (1915)
Westfield - Moss Residence: YB6 (1915)
Westfield - Spring Street: YB6 (1915)
Whiting Plover Paper Co. (mill): PL21
Wichner Store in Richford, WI: PL4

Mystery Photo:
Unknown (correction: originally labeled as Germania Dam)

Cross-Referenced Index of People on Images

Alexander, Caroline: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 25; Pg. 45, Pg. 49


Baggs, Frank: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 25)
Bahler, Angelina Rose (maiden name Phillips - 2nd married name Bandt): P4; P8; P46; P69
Bahler, Mina Rose: P36
Bakke, Theodora (maiden name Parker): P68; P69
Bandt, Angelina Rose (maiden name Phillips - 1st married name Bahler): P4; P8; P46; P69
Bandt, Carolyn [married surname: Dahlke]: Misc1
Bandt, Donald: Misc2
Bandt, Ed: BL5
Barron, Amanda (maiden name: Street): KL20
Barron, Emmaline, Barron: KL20
Barron, Larry: KL20
Barron, Margaret Dorothy (married Herbert Klawitter): KL2; KL22
Barron, Ronald: KL20
Barron, William, Jr. (Sonny): KL20
Barron, William Sr.: KL20
Bartlett, William: T41
Beals, Georgia: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49
Bennett, Faith: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 51
Berg, Betty: KL20
Berg, Clara (maiden name: Wichner): W1
Berg, Donald "Donny": KL1; KL7: KL8; KL20
Berg, Dorothy: KL20
Berg, Ethel: KL1; KL7: KL8; KL20
Berg, Evalina "Lena" (Klawitter): KL1: KL8; KL17
Berg, Evelyn: KL20
Berndt, Adeline: PL22
Berndt, Edwin: PL22
Berndt, Louis: PL22
Berndt, Minnie: PL22
Beutler, August (maiden name: Wichner): W1
Bilke (?), Herbert [or Buelke ?]: KL20
Bilke (?), Leona [or Buelke ?]: KL20
Birkholz, Florence Vida ("Stubb"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 12, Pg. 49, Pg. 52, Pg. 67
Blasing, Erny: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Blasing, Minnie Eleanor ("Blondie"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 12, Pg. 49, Pg. 51, Pg. 67
Block, Amelia Rose (married surname: Garrison): BL2
Block, Caroline "Carrie" (married surname: Milligan): BL1
Block, Dolly - see Dorothy Block
Block, Dorothy "Dolly" August (married surname: Reynders): BL3
Block, Delia - see Otillie Block
Block, Olga Rose ("Polly"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 12, Pg. 49, Pg. 51, Pg. 67
Block, Ottilie "Delia" Emilie (married surname - Phillips): web page; P4; P8; P45; BL5; BL6; P69
Block, Wilhelm "William": BL4
Boeker, Otto: BK1
Boeker, Wilhelmina P. (Tagatz) ["Minnie"]: T21
Bornick, Edna: T41
Breitkreutz, Carl (Brent): Eagle Scout
Brown, Raa Byron ("Scrubby"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 12, Pg. 45, Pg. 52, Pg. 54, Pg. 67
Bruch, Bertha (maiden surname: Wichner): W1
Bruch, Elsie (maiden name: Wichner): W1; W5
Buchholz, Bernice: Misc1
Buelke (Bilke?), Herbert: KL20
Buelke (?), Leona [or Bilke ?]: KL20
Buelke (Builke?), Lina (maiden name: Stibb): KL20
Buelke, Loraine: KL20
Burgdorff, Mayme: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49, Pg. 67
Bursack, Bessie: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 51, Pg. 58
Bursack, Louise: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)

Calkins, Richard: Eagle Scout
Campbell, Grace: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 25, Pg. 45
Christensen, Norman Gilbert ("Kriss"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 13, Pg. 45, Pg. 52, Pg. 67
Collins, John: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 56, Pg. 67
Cragin Family Reunion: KL19; KL20
Cragin, Alice (married surname: Miller): KL20
Cragin, Alma A. (Klawitter): KL17; KL22; KL24
Cragin, Amanda (maiden name: Zarbrook): KL19; KL20; KL27
Cragin, Beatrice: KL20
Cragin, Bernard: KL20
Cragin, Bob: KL20
Cragin, Byron: KL20; KL27
Cragin, Clarence: KL27
Cragin, Dave: KL19; KL20; KL22
Cragin, Darlene: KL20
Cragin, Hazel: KL20
Cragin, Kenneth: KL20
Cragin, Lillian (maiden name: Street): KL20; KL27
Cragin, Sophi: KL20
Cragin, Willis: KL20
Cragin, Zelma (maiden name: Draeger): KL20
Cragin, Zula: KL20
Crockett, Ina: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 8, Pg. 45, Pg. 67
Curran, Myrtle: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 13, Pg. 49, Pg. 51

Dagatz surname -- see Tagatz/Taggatz entries
Dahl, Jerry: Eagle Scout
Dahlke, Carolyn (maiden name: Bandt): Misc1
DeBoth, Jessie: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 9)
Detman, Conrad: T41
DeWar, Blanche: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 25, Pg. 45, Pg. 49, Pg. 52
Donovan, Lizzie: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Dorsey, Iva Mae: Misc1
Dorsey, Ivan: Misc2
Draeger, Rose Emma (maiden name - Klawitter): Obituary; KL1; KL4; KL7; KL20
Draeger, Zelma (married surname: Cragin): KL20

Elliott, Warren: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Ellis, Bessie (married surname - Olds): Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Ellis, Angelina "Angie" Maria [married surnames - Phillips and Ellis]: Web page with family info & photo; obituary; her 1895 journal (transcription)
Ellis, Henrietta [maiden name: Jones; other married names - Pierce and Hall]: Web page with family information & photo; obituary
Ellis, Joseph S: Web page with family details and his photo; Letter written to his brother in 1833
Ely, Melvin: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Erdman, Duane: KL20
Erdman, Edna Helen (maiden name: Klawitter): KL5: KL9; KL17; KL20; KL26
Erdman, John: KL20; KL26

Fenske, Richard: P5
Fletcher, Ella: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49, Pg. 58
Flynn, Edwin: T41
Flynn, Walter: T41
Fratzke, Elsie: F1
Freitag, Paul: T41
Fricton, Rolf: Eagle Scout
Friedrichs, Sidonia (married name - Tagatz): T35

Gahler, Arlene (maiden name: Weckwerth): Misc1
Gardow,Alfred: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 54, Pg. 56
Gardow, Emma: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49, Pg. 58
Garrison, Amelia Rose (maiden name: Block): BL2
Gilbertson, Christine: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 8, Pg. 51
Glickman, David: Eagle Scout
Gohlke, Wilmar: Misc2
Grahn, Arvilla: PL22
Grahn, Beatrice: PL22
Grahn, Christian: PL22
Guidinger, Robert: Eagle Scout
Gunderson, Harold: P69
Gunderson, May Henrietta (maiden name: Phillips): P69
Gunderson, Julius: P69
Gunderson, Robert: P69
Gunderson, Henrietta M.: P37
Gunderson, May Henrietta (maiden name Phillips): P4; P8; P16; P37; P68; P69

Habermann, Victor (High School Orchestra Director): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 52
Haen, Douglas: Eagle Scout
Hall, Henrietta [maiden name: Jones; other married names - Ellis and Pierce]: Web page with family information & photo; obituary
Hamilton, Gladys: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49
Hamilton, Grace Blanche ("Reggy"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 13, Pg. 49, Pg. 51
Hamilton, Stuart: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Haney, Vernon: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Hartwell, Albert "Al" Elihu: P69
Hartwell, Angelina "Angie" Maria [maiden name: Ellis; other married surname - Phillips]: Web page with family info & photo; obituary; her 1895 journal (transcription)
Hartwell, Catherine (maiden name - Smith): H1; H3; H8
Hartwell, Eugene "Gene" Joseph B.: P69
Hartwell, Maurice: T35; PL22; P69.
Hauser, Kenneth: Eagle Scout
Hayes, Agnes: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49
Hays, Juliane: KL20
Hengfuss, Mabel ("Mebbs"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 13, Pg. 45, Pg. 49
Henkel, George J.: Eagle Scout
Hill, Floyd Wallace: P69
Hill, Dora E.: P13
Hill, Vera Delia (maiden name Phillips): P4; P8; P9; P16; P44; P69
Hoeft, Harley: PL22
Hoeft, Sidney: PL22
Hoffman, Paul: T41
Hopwood, Raymond: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Huber, Audrey Luella ("Dreamy"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 14, Pg. 51
Huber, Claude Urban: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 14, Pg. 51, Pg. 67
Huber, Gladys Amelia ("Chub"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 14, Pg. 49, Pg. 51

Ingraham, Leona Claire (Klawitter): KL17; KL25
Ingraham, Willis: KL25

Jahnke -- also see Janke, Johnke, Yonkie
Jahnke, Augusta (married Gottlieb Zarbrook): Augusta's web page; KL20
Jahnke, Rhinold: PL22
Janke, Auguste -- see Augusta Jahnke
Johnke, John Gustave (or Jahnke or Yonkie): J1
Johnke, June (married surname: Matz): KL20
Johnson, Ida Minna Therese (Klawitter) [other married names - Kranjievic, Turk]: KL6; KL17
Jones, Henrietta [married surnames - Ellis and Pierce and Hall]: Web page with family information & photo; obituary

Keller, Robert: Eagle Scout
Kelm, Caroline "Carrie" Naoma (maiden name Phillips): P4; P8; P22; P27; P69
Kelsey, Nettie: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 23, Pg. 49, Pg. 58
Ketteler, Florence: Misc1
Kick, August Karl Kick (Jr.): August's web page; K9
Kick, Augusta Bertha (wife of August Kick, Jr.): Bertha's web page; K9
Kieck, Adeline Emma (Klawitter): KL1; KL23
Kieck, Alfred William: Alfred's web page; K1; K2; K3; K4; K5; K6; K11; KL1; KL7
Kieck, August Karl (Jr.) -- see August Karl Kick, Jr.
Kieck, Bertha -- see Augusta Bertha Kick
Kieck, Irene M. (wife of Clarence Robarge): K7; K8; K10
Kieck, Joyce Irene: KL1; KL7
Kieck, Walter A.: K7
Kieck, William "Billy": KL7
Kietzman, Ruth: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49
Klaviter surname -- see Klawitter listings
Klawiter surname -- see Klawitter listings
Klawitter, [1st name unknown]: T41
Klawitter, Adeline Emma (1st marriage surname - Kieck): KL1; KL17; KL23
Klawitter, Albert Gustaf: Petition for Naturalization
Klawitter, Alice A. (married name - Stibb): KL17; KL20; KL23
Klawitter, Alma A. (married name - Cragin): KL3; KL17; KL22; KL24
Klawitter, Bertha Pauline (Zarbrook): Bertha's web page; Death Certificate; Marriage Document; KL1; KL7; KL10; KL11; KL15; KL16; KL17; KL19; KL20
Klawitter, Bobbie: KL1; KL7
Klawitter, Cecil: KL1; KL7: KL8; KL20; KL28
Klawitter, Daniel L.: KL20
Klawitter, Donny: KL7
Klawitter, Ed - see Edwin E. Klawitter
Klawitter, Eddie: KL1; KL7: KL9
Klawitter, Edna Helen (married John Erdman): KL5: KL9; KL17; KL20; KL26
Klawitter, Edward E.: KL20
Klawitter, Edwin "Ed" E.: Obituary; KL4; KL7; KL17; KL20
Klawitter, Elsie (married surname: McDougal): KL20
Klawitter, Emil Ludwig: obituary; Emil's web page; Petition for Naturalization; Declaration (Citizenship); Death Certificate; Marriage Document; KL1; KL7; KL10; KL14; KL18; KL20
Klawitter, Ernest Paul (aka Ernest): KL3; 1st Petition for Naturalization; 2nd Petition for Naturalization
Klawitter, Evalina "Lena" (married names - Berg, Tagatz): KL1; KL7: KL8
Klawitter, Herbert "Herbie" Herman [Sr.]: KL2; KL13; KL17; KL22
Klawitter, Herbert Raymond [Jr.]: KL22
Klawitter, Ida Minna Therese (married names - Konstivich, Turk, Johnson): KL6; KL17; KL24
Klawitter, Julius Edward: Declaration (Citizenship); Naturalization Petition
Klawitter, Lena - see Evalina "Lena" (Klawitter) [married names - Berg, Tagatz]
Klawitter, Leona Claire (married name - Ingraham): KL17; KL25
Klawitter, Louis - see Ludwig Christian Klawitter
Klawitter, Louise Amalie (Schauer): Louise's web site; Death Certificate; KL3; KL12; KL21
Klawitter, Ludwig Christian: KL3; KL12
Klawitter, Margaret Dorothy (maiden name - Barron): KL2; KL22
Klawitter, Robert E.: KL20
Klawitter, Rose Emma (maiden name - Draeger): Obituary; KL1; KL4; KL7; KL20
Klettke, Arnold: T41
Kline, Leo: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 52
Knaack, Lester: T41
Knapp, Mina R. (married name Phillips): P44
Kniesel, Jerry: Eagle Scout
Koch, Richard: P5
Kohlmann, William: Eagle Scout
Kraft, Leona (Tagatz): T20
Kranjievic, Ida Minna Therese (Klawitter) [other married names - Turk, Johnson): KL6; KL17
Krause, Elaine: Misc1
Krentz, Harold: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 54
Krueger, [1st name unknown]: T41
Kruger, Arthur: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 25)
Kruger, Augusta Bertha (wife of August Kick, Jr.): Bertha's web page; K9

Lange, Ernest: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Lange, Robert: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 51, Pg. 56
Lau, Maybelle: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 49, Pg. 51, Pg. 58
Lewis, Doris: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Long, John: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 25)
Long, Lizzie: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)

MacGregor, James Waters ("Zig"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 14, Pg. 45, Pg. 67
MacGregor, William: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 27
Maddance, Juliaus (married name - Zarbuck/Zarbrook): Death Certificate
Mann, Kenneth: Eagle Scout
Manthey, Eleanora: T41
Matz, Emma Louisa (married Herman John Tagatz): T47
Matz, Gilbert: KL20
Matz, June (maiden name: Johnke -- spelling?): KL20
Matz. Martin: "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 32a)
Matz, Ottilie Emilie (maiden surname: Tagatz): Baptismal record
McDougal, Archie: KL20
McDougal, Elsie (maiden name: Klawitter): KL20
McDougal, Jerry: KL20
McDougal, Willard: KL20
McGraw, Irene: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 51, Pg. 58
McTier, Beulah: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
McTier, Irma (married surname: Taylor): Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Meinke, Howard: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Merriman, Mabel Gladys ("Peggy"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 15, Pg. 49, Pg. 51, Pg. 67
Messall, Justina "Gustine" (married name - Tagatz): T36
Metska, [1st name unknown]: T41
Meyer, Earl: Eagle Scout
Mike, August: P5
Miles, E. H.: YB7 (1915)
Millar, Earl: Eagle Scout
Miller, Albert: KL20
Miller, Alice (maiden surname: Cragin): KL20
Miller, Erwin Arthur ("Mollie"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 15, Pg. 23, Pg. 54, Pg. 67
Miller, Esther: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49
Miller, Fritz: T41
Miller, Walter Harold: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 17, Pg. 54, Pg. 56
Milligan, Caroline "Carrie" (maiden name: Block): BL1
Mills, Agnes: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Mills, Isabelle: Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Mishelow, Edward David ("Johnnie"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 15, Pg. 45, Pg. 54
Mittlestead, Adeline: KL20
Mittlestead, George: KL20
Mittlestead, Mary Lou: KL20
Modanzen, Jule - see Juliaus Maddance
Muehrer, Chris: P5
Muehrer, Elmer: PL22
Mueller, Adolph: P5
Mueller, August: Journal excerpts/documents (book compiled by his son George Mueller); photos - Pg 77 and inside cover page in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Mueller, George: Misc2
Musselmam, Scotty: Eagle Scout

Nelson, Lois: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 49, Pg. 58
Nindorf, Carl: KL20

Ogle, Grace Ellen ("Dimples"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 15, Pg. 49, Pg. 51
Olds, Bessie (married surname - Ellis): Pulpit77
O'Neil, Jessie Mabel ("Shorty"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 16, Pg. 49, Pg. 51, Pg. 52

Parker, Cephas: PK1
Parker, May Henrietta (maiden name Phillips): P4; P8; P16; P37; P68; P69
Parker, Theodora (married surname - Bakke): P68; P69
Paulsen, Paul: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Perkins, Doris: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 58
Phelps, Mae: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49
Phillips, Angelina "Angie" Maria [maiden name - Ellis; other married surname - Phillips]: Web page with family info & photo; obituary; her 1895 journal (transcription)
Phillips, Angelina Rose (married name Bahler and Bandt): P4; P8; P46; P69
Phillips, Bennie (Benjamin Hall): P7; P67; With "Eddie" Edward Harold Phillips"
Phillips, Caroline "Carrie" Naoma (married name Kelm): P4; P8; P22; P27; PL22; P69
Phillips, Delia (see Otillie Emilie Block)
Phillips, Eddie (Edward Harold): P7; P59; P69; 1897-1899 Journal
Phillips, Edith Joyce: P3; P6; P11; P15; P18; P20; P21; P23; P24; P31; P32; P35; P39; P42; P43; P47; P49; P52; P53; P54; P63
Phillips, Edward Harold "Eddie" (see Eddie Phillips)
Phillips, Ellis George: P4; P5; P8; P14; P16; P48; P69
Phillips, Evaline Dorothea (Tagatz): web page; T1; T3; T9; T12; T16; T22; T23; T24; T25; T26; T28; T32; T34; T37; T38; T39; T41; P1; P6; P18; wedding photo; P28; P30; P32; P34; P50; BL1
Phillips, Frederick "Fred" James: web page; T35; P1; P2; P4; P6; P8; P9; P10; P12; P18; wedding photo; P25; P26; P28; P29; P32; P34; P38; P41; 1953 Surveyors Institute; P60; P61; P62; P65; P66; P69; Farm House; PL22; War Savings Staff Certificate
Phillips, George Ellis (the first - born 1855): web page; P4; P8; P9; P33; P45; P56; P69
Phillips, George Ellis (the second): P6; P11; P20; P21; P31; P32; P35; P51; P52; P53; P54; P61; P63; P64; P66; Misc2
Phillips, Georgienne Eleanor: P36
Phillips, Harris: P40
Phillips, James Madison (born 1833): P57; P58; Military Records - Mil1; Mil2; Mil3; Civil War Letter
Phillips, Laura Faye (Thackray): P18
Phillips, Marie Delia: P36
Phillips, May Henrietta (married names Parker and Gunderson): P4; P8; P16; P37; P68; P69
Phillips, Mina R. (maiden name Knapp): P44
Phillips, Ottilie "Delia" Emilie (maiden name Block): web page; P4; P8; P9; P45; BL5; BL6; P69
Phillips, Philip: P46
Phillips, Raymond "Ray" Wesley: P4; P8; P9; P12; P17; P18; 1953 Surveyors Institute
Phillips, Vera Delia (married name Hill): P4; P8; P9; P16; P44; P69
Pierce, Henrietta [maiden name: Jones; other married names - Ellis and Hall]: Web page with family information & photo; obituary
Plautz, Faultina (teacher): PL22
Porterfield, Edith: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 9)
Priebe, Adolph: PL22
Priebe, Evelyn: PL22
Priebe, Ida: PL22
Priebe, Valeria: PL22
Purdy, Adelaide "Adele" Lydia Louise (Tagatz): T7

Radke, Lucile: T41
Rathbun, Maude: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 25, Pg. 45, Pg. 49, Pg. 58
Reynders, Dorothy "Dolly" August (married name: Block): BL3
Robarge, Clarence: K8
Robarge, Irene M. (maiden name Kieck): K7; K8; K10
Roberts, Belva Florence ("Belvadere"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 16, Pg. 49, Pg. 51
Roberts, Bill: Misc2
Roberts, Richard: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Robinson, Frank Bennett ("Skinny"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 16, Pg. 56, Pg. 67
Rux, Laura (maiden name: Wichner): W1

Saltzwedel, [1st name unknown]: T41
Sandow, Julius: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 56
Sanford, Ella: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 51, Pg. 67
Savage, Millard: Eagle Scout
Schatzke, Louisa (married Christoph Tagatz): T46
Schauer, Louise Amalie (married Ludwig Christian Klawitter): Louise's web page; Death Certificate; KL3; KL12; KL21
Schidlo, Elsa: 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 25, Pg. 45, Pg. 49
Schidlo, Raymond: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 56
Schimelpfenig, Robert William ("Schimmel"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 16, Pg. 51, Pg. 52
Schoenecker, Otto: Eagle Scout
Schroeder, Dorothy: PL22
Schroeder, Art: PL22
Schroeder, Edmund: PL22
Schroeder, Norman: PL22
Schroeder, Ruth: PL22
Schroeder, Viola: PL22
Schubert, Ed: KL20
Schubert, Frieda Emma (married name - Tagatz): Frieda's web page; T12
Schuman, Adaline: T41
Schwab, Donald: Eagle Scout
Schwanke, Helen: PL22
Schwanke, Lillian: PL22
Schwanke, William: PL22
Schwark, Katherine ("Kate"): 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49
Schwartz, Kenneth: Eagle Scout
Sell, Evelyn: T41
Shelp, Grace (1896-1914): 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 19)
Shepard, Florence: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49
Shrank, Lydia Maria (Tagatz): T21
Siewert, Carolina A. (married name - Tagatz): T21
Smith, Agnes: H3; H8
Smith, Anna: H8
Smith, Catherine (married Maurice Hartwell): H1; H3; H8
Smith, Ernest: Eagle Scout
Smith, Frank: H8
Smith, Henriette: H8
Smith, Joe: H8
Smith, Kenneth: Eagle Scout
Smith, Mary: H8
Smith, Myrtle: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49
Smith, Ruby: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Sommer, Delores: Misc1
Steinke, Marvin: Misc2
Stibb, Alice A. (Klawitter): KL17; KL20; KL23
Stibb, Bernice: KL20
Stibb, Lawrence: KL23
Stibb, Lena: KL20
Stibb, Lina (married surname: Buelke or Builke): KL20
Stibb, Margie: KL20
Stibb, Walter: KL20; KL23
Stomner, Hazel (teacher): PL22
Street, Amanda (married surname: Barron): KL20
Street, Arthur (Art): KL20
Street, Bernard: KL20
Street, Eddie: KL20
Street, Elden: KL20
Street, Fred: KL20
Street, George Jr.: KL20
Street, George Sr.: KL20
Street, Irene: KL20
Street, Lillian (married surname: Cragin): KL20; KL27
Street, May: KL20
Street, Raymond: KL20
Street, Roselett: KL20
Street, Rosella: KL20
Street, Walter: KL20
Stuempfig, Clarence: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Stuempfig, John: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 25)
Swartz, D. L.: 1915 Yearbook -- Pg. 8, Pg. 23, Pg. 54

Tagarts surname -- see Tagatz entries
Tagert surname -- see Tagatz entries
Tagatz, Adaline Eleanora: T2; T5; T10; T11; T12; 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49
Tagatz, Adele -- see Adelaide Lydia Louise (Tagatz) Purdy
Tagatz, Adelaide Lydia Louise (married name - Purdy): T7
Tagatz, Albert: T42
Tagatz, Alpha: T42
Tagatz, Amelia: T46
Tagatz, Arnold Friedrich: T4; T12; T17; T18; T29; T31; T40
Tagatz, August: Citizenship Document
Tagatz, Bill: T30; T43; T44
Tagatz, Carolina A. (Siewert): T21
Tagatz, Christina Louisa Viola Tagatz ("Viola"): T48
Tagatz, Christoph (Christian): T46
Tagatz, Clara Johanna (married name - Weckwerth): T21; Bible Records (8 pages)
Tagatz, Edwin A.: T42
Tagatz, Edwin Christoph Martin: T45; T47; T48
Tagatz, Emma Louisa (maiden name Matz): T47
Tagatz, Emil: T46
Taggatz, Erich: 8th Grade Report Card (1928) - front; inside of 1928 report card
Tagatz, Evalina "Lena" (maiden name Klawitter - other married name: Berg): KL1; KL8; KL17
Tagatz, Evaline Dorothea (married name - Phillips): web page; T1; T3; T9; T12; T16; T22; T23; T24; T25; T26; T28; T32; T34; T37; T38; T39; T41; P1; P6; P18; P28; P30; P32; P34; BL5
Tagatz, Frieda Emma (Schubert): Frieda's web page; T12
Tagatz, Friedrich Wilhelm (aka Fred Tagatz): Fred's web page; his house (?) T6; T12; T19; T21; T50
Tagatz, George: T35; PL22; T47
Tagatz, Gilbert: T42
Tagatz, Glenn: T43
Tagatz, Gustav: T46
Tagatz, Henry: T46
Tagatz, Herman George Henry: T48
Tagatz, Herman John: T46; T47
Tagatz, Hugo Alvin: T8; T12; T15; T38
Tagatz, Hulda Blondina: T21
Tagatz, Johann Michael: T21; Citizenship Document; Baptismal Record
Tagatz, Justina "Gustine" (maiden name - Messall): T36
Tagatz, Laura Bertha: T10; T11; T12; T14; T27; T33; Early History of Marquette County written by Laura Tagatz
Tagatz, Lawrence: T42
Tagatz, Leona (married name - Kraft): T20
Tagatz, Lillian Florence Mamie: T47; T48
Tagatz, Louisa (maiden name: Louisa Schatzke): T46
Tagatz, Lydia Maria (married name - Schrank): T21
Tagatz, Martin: Citizenship Paper (immigrated 1852)
Tagatz, Martin John ("Martin the younger"): T21
Tagatz, Michael - see Johann Michael Tagatz
Tagatz, Ottilie Emilie (married surname Matz): Baptismal record
Tagatz, Richard R.: T21
Tagatz, Rudolph: T46
Tagatz, Sidonia (maiden name - Friedrichs): T35
Tagatz, Theodore Paul ("Teddy the younger"): T21
Tagatz, Viola (full name - Christina Louisa Viola Tagatz): T47; T48; T49
Tagatz, Wilhelmina P. "Minnie" (married name - Boeker): T21
Tagatz, William "Bill": Eagle Scout
Taylor, Edwin Lucius ("Ted"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 17, Pg. 45, Pg. 67
Taylor, Irma (maiden name - McTier): Pg 77 in "From the Prairie to the Pulpit"
Thackay, Laura Faye (married name Phillips): P18
Theobald, Elsie: T41
Theobald, Reverend: T41
Theobald, Rudolph: T41
Timm, Anna: PL22
Timm, Arnold: PL22
Tonn, Anna: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 25, Pg. 51
Tonn, Herman: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Towne, Grace: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 29, Pg. 49, Pg. 58
Turk, Frank: KL24
Turk, Ida Minna Therese (Klawitter): KL6; KL17; KL24
Turk, John "Johnny": KL6; KL24

Unrath, Howard: Eagle Scout

Waid, Dave: Eagle Scout
Waldo, Vern: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 56
Walsh, Spencer: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 27)
Walsh, Victor: 1915 Yearbook (pg. 25), Pg. 54
Warmbier, William: Misc2
Warnke Genealogy: Book by Orlan Warnke
Warnke, August: "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 32a)
Warnke, George: P5
Warnke, Johann: Declaration of Intention (Citizenship): "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 17)
Warnke, John F.: Recorded Debt (1868) - "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 32a)
Warnke, Roland: PL22
Warnke, Julius: P5
Warnke, Laura: T35
Warnke, Michael (Mike): "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 32a), Will (1908) - "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 32b)
Warnke, Orlan: A Warnke Genealogy (book written by Orlan)
Warnke, Susanna (maiden name: Weckwerth): "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 20a)
Weber, Alfred: PL22
Weber, Irene: PL22
Weber, Leona: PL22
Weber, Russel: Eagle Scout
Weckwerth, Arlene (married surname: Gahler): Misc1
Weckwerth, Clara (maiden name: Tagatz): T21; Bible Records (8 pages)
Weckwerth, Susanna (married surname: Warnke): "Warnke Genealogy" (Pg. 20a)
Wedde, Anna (maiden name: Wichner): W1
Wegenke, Honora: T41
Wheelock, J. H.: YB7 (1915)
Wichner, Albert Emil: W2
Wichner, Anna (married surname: Wedde): W1
Wichner, August -- see Johann August Wichner
Wichner, Bertha (married surname: Bruch): W1
Wichner, Johann August: W6
Wichner, Johann August's children: W1; W6
Wichner, Clara (married surname: Berg): W1
Wichner, Albert: W1
Wichner, Augusta (maiden name: Beutler): W1
Wichner, Elsie (married surname: Bruch): W1; W5
Wichner, Emma: W4
Wichner, Laura (married surname: Rux): W1
Wichner, Robert: W1; W3
Wichner, William: W1
Wilber, Velma Corinne ("Gus"): 1915 Yearbook: Pg. 17, Pg. 49
Wilson, Rodney: 1915 Yearbook (Pg. 29)
Witt, Clara: T41
Witt, Herman: T41

Yonkie, John Gustave (Johnke or Jahnke): J1

Zacharias, Agnes: KL20
Zacharias, Bernard: KL20
Zacharias, Billy: KL20
Zacharias, Carl: KL20
Zacharias, Eunice: KL20
Zacharias, Gerald (Garold?): KL20
Zacharias, Gordon "Gordie": KL20
Zacharias, Harold: KL20
Zacharias, Larry: KL20
Zacharias, Lucile: KL20
Zacharias, Marian: KL20
Zacharias, Marilyn: KL20
Zacharias, Minnie (maiden name: Zarbrook): KL20
Zacharias, Paul: KL20
Zacharias, Richard: KL20
Zacharias, Roland: KL20
Zacharias, Rudolf: KL20
Zacharias, Rudlaph (?): KL20
Zarhrbauch surname -- also see Zarbrook, Zarbuck, Zarbuch listings
Zarbrook surname -- also see Zarbuck, Zahrbauch, Zarbuch listings
Zarbrook, Albert: Z1; Z2; Z3
Zarbrook, Amanda (married surname: Cragin): KL20; KL27
Zarbrook, Augusta (Jahnke): Augusta's web page; KL20;
Zarbrook, Bertha Pauline (married Emil Ludwig Klawitter): Bertha's web page; Death Certificate; Marriage Document; KL1; KL7; KL10; KL11; KL15; KL16; KL17; KL19; KL20
Zarbrook, Gotleb Henry: Death Certificate
Zarbuch surname -- also see Zarbuck, Zarbrook, Zahrbauch listings
Zarbrook, Minnie (married surname: Zacharias): KL20
Zarbrook, Norbert: KL20
Zarbuch, Bertha Pauline - see Bertha Pauline Zarbrook
Zarbuck surname -- also see Zarbuck, Zahrbauch, Zarbuch listings
Zarbuck, Juliaus [aka Julia or Jule]: Death certificate
Zimbeck, Mabel: 1915 Yearbook - Pg. 27, Pg. 49

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