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Eddie and Bennie Phillips (cousins)
Edward "Eddie" Harold Phillips (on left with cornet) and cousin Benjamin "Bennie" Hall Phillips. Bennie is the son of Edward James Phillips and Mary E. (Judge) Phillips.
Edward Harold Phillips' 1897-1899 Memo Book

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Inside Cover Note added by unknown person after Eddie's death says Edward Harold Phillips', born Oct. 10, 1880, died March 3.1901, age 20 - unmarried, son of George Phillips and Mary Robinson

year 1897 - count of squirrels, gophers, mudhens, helldivers, muskrats, rabbits, ducks (likely tracking how many critters he bagged that year)

January 1-7, 1897
Cannon fired at midnight New Year; shot 3 squirrels; Pa fixed his revolver; copied "Over the Waves" for violin and cornet

Jonny Warnke fell off a hay stack, and the doctor says he cannot live (Jan. 1, 1897)

Sawed wood pile with buzz saw; practiced cornet; Pa fixed fence; Barzy came

January 8-26, 1897
Went for load of hay but in crossing a ditch, the reack(?) broke and had to unload and draw wagon out to fix it and load; [next day] took beans to Princeton with hay rack; other 1/2 load hay

Put wood in shed; drove horses for Grandpa while Pa helped saw; went skating; played cornet at Grandma's; cleaned barn; took load of manure to the farm; teamed straw with Barzy 1 day 2 loads

Cut off 7 trees for green wood on forty

Pa and Ma went to Montello being sales day; "Ellis and I" cut wood

Minnie Block ("married"). [The word married is in quotes in his entry; Minnie is likely Eddie's stepmother's sister. If this is the Minnie Block that is Ottilie (Block) Phillips' sister, it's possible he's referring to Minnie's second marriage.]

January 29-February 13, 1897
Hauled hay multiple times; cleared bushes off marsh; helped Grandpa saw wood & cut wood on "our marsh" for fuel; cut a great big tree & teamed the bulk of it home before cutting' teamed wood to Princeton for P&H [likely Phillips and Hartwell business]; "Saradines" - 10 cents; Pa went away surveying

Martha Soda married

One of Bennie's bicycle's springs broke; Bennie was Edward's cousin Benjamin Hall Phillips. Bennie was born July 6, 1882 in Germania, the son of Edward J. and Mary E. (Judge) Phillips; grandson of James Madison Phillips and Angelina Maria Ellis Phillips). Link to Edward James Phillips' family info.

February 14-27, 1897
Several trips to take others to Princeton & for train trips elsewhere (including Pa, Mabel Peirce and Ruthie Peirce [he also spelled Peirce as Pierce].

Took loads of wood to Princeton for P&G; Gene (Hartwell) mentioned; took Fanny to ball.

Hauled sawdust for ice from Germania Mill; Peirces had a party for the older folks; fixed pigpen; County Superintendent visited school; hauled hay from their marsh

March 1-14, 1897
Noted work/chores he did, including teaming cord wood for Mr. Parker, transporting people to Princeton; loading manure; taking logs to saw mill. Warske Bros. sawed logs.

Mabel (Peirce maybe?) sick; Mr. Keyes and Freddie Matz quite sick.

March 15-26, 1897
More chores mentioned, also ringed pigs noses, hauled bean straw, filled bags with rye.

Theresa and Hulda Paul [or Holda] visited. Fitzsimmons licked Corbett. Practiced with Bennie.

April 15-30, 1897
More farming work noted including for Mr. Parker (wheat, oats, corn). Lobeyskie visited.

Plow ran in stump and broke stand. Broke Grandma's buggy.

May 1-17, 1897
Carl Warnke visited. Noted chores/work (farming and gardening). Band practice. Carrie Block packing up for Chicago. Manure spreading bee including E. Feske, H. Phillips, Ellis and himself.
May 18-June 1, 1897
More chores noted. Pa took Aunt Carrie to train. Farming corn, popcorn, watermelons, beans and sugar cane.
June 2-June 17, 1897
Amiel Priebe's baby scalded (died June 3 & buried June 4).

Farming work (beans, corn, potatoes). Had to replant corn where gophers and worms ate it.

Tom Wells came.

June 18-July 6, 1897
More farming (sugar cane, bean, corn, potatoes). Performed in band. References to surveying.
July 7-29, 1897
Farming activities (corn, rye, turnips, potatoes, beans, oats. wheat, picked berries, raked hay).

Came across 2 boys escaped from Waukasha. Brought into court, it was resolved to send them back.

Artie drowned from 1st bridge.

July 30-Aug. 23, 1897
Farming activities (rye, wheat, oats, beans, hay, teamed manure).

"Old Lady Fenske" died.

"Walter & Mrs. Rich went away!"

Aug. 24-Sept. 10, 1897
Pa went to lay out race track. Pa went to make plan of Mr. Sprains house and helped him build it.

Farming activities (beans, hay, rye, hay). Went to help others threshing [Hard to read - might be Heoft, Weck and Koch.]

Jessie calved in night; had to go to pasture to get her.

Sept. 11-Sept. 25, 1897
Farming activities (beans, rye, corn, sugar cane, milked Gene's cows). Hired Mrs. Teske 1 day and Mrs. Krenke 1/2 day to help; cut sugar cane.

Sept 12: "Band had picnic. Lemonade beer stand... Lots of trouble in night. Kreuger pulled on Bill Grahm for dancing with Alvine." [Not sure this is transcribed correctly; hard to read names]

Started Junior Band; learned 3 pieces.

Sept. 6-Oct. 14, 1897
Farming activities (sugar cane, beans, rye, corn, pumpkins, potatoes) Ditching and making road to 20 on Kusherskie. "Pa made deed of our road to 20."

October 10: "My Birthday. Grandpa gave me a book."

Set traps. Shod horses ___ and Nell. Symbol for Junior Band appears multiple times. Their Jersey broke her leg; had to kill her and sold some of meat.

Oct. 4: 1st day of school. Ruthie Pierce teaching.

Oct. 15-Nov. 5, 1897
Farm activities (turnips, corn husking, plowing). Loaded stone, sand and lumber. Pa took down corn crib, fixed hen house and went surveying to Montello. Freddy & Holtz are building for Kreuger. Ellis and Richard Fenske helped with farming. Kreuger's foundation done.

Ma helped Grandma quilt. Eddie helped Ma wash. Pa worked for Pierce [as spelled more likely Peirce]. Numerous entries with rat counts.

Nov. 5-25, 1897
Farming - husked corn (Mrs. Teske helped; August Germenman helped too), hauled potatoes from heaps into cellar, pulled all their turnips on 40, husked corn on Richard Fenske's 5-/12 bu for 13 cents [bu is abbreviaton for bushel, which is typically about 8 dry gallons per bushel] .

Painted on Pierce's (or Peirce) barn. Sold furs (#49 for $3.95). Lawsuit vs. Mo___ & Martin. Thanksgiving day had dinner at Grandma's.

Amiel Weckwerth killed by runaway team. [Burial noted on next page - Nov. 28 entry.]

Nov. 6-Dec. 14, 1897
Painting, teamed cornstalks, trapping. Hauled hay and wood. Pa delivered beans. Shingled buggy shed roof and put their wood inside shed.

"Old man Leighton" buried [I'm not sure I deciphered the name correctly. Fenner died and buried.

Pa bought him an ax $1.00. Played [in band], and "gang went skating on Mud Lake.

Dec. 15-31, 1897
Sold 3 furs at 30 cents to A. Gemerman. Farming activities (hay, potatoes, wood, used circular saw Ruthie sick & Mabel [Peirce] taught half day.

Had oyster supper at Grandma's home on New Year's Eve.

Jan. 1-14, 1898
Had count of animals trapped in 1898. Fixed violin. Pa & Ma went to Pri [Princeton] with beans. Vera [Phillips] and Ray [Phillips] had pictures taken. Debate at Neshkoro - art vs. nature. Chas. Shwederskie (as spelled) on business. Pa went to Oxford to survey.
Jan. 5-Feb. 16, 1898
Showers' horse sick. Mr. Block of Minnesota was there. Pa surveying; broke level of transit.

Pa settled accounts at Kings $7.60, at Freddies $12.00; at Weckwerth $3.30.

Cleaned out ice house for ice. Teamed and sawed ice with Wm. Brish 112 cakes.

Wells Med. Co. in town. Went to show several times. Band played at show for 10 cents a piece.

Feb. 17-March 15, 1898
Went for sawdust ice from Tom Wells.

Examination in arithmetic 90%, first lesson in algebra.

Herman Teske died. [unsure if first letter is a T or an F; might be Feske] 2 days later entry said: "Went to Leopoldt Teske & executed mortgage to H. Kinsel."

Pa got one load lumber for Gene who is going to build. Unloaded 1 load hay for H.J. Weckwerth.

Harris' birthday party to Edd's [likely Harris Phillips]. Pa sat up with "old Keyes." Party up to Peirces.

Mar. 16-Apr. 13, 1898
Farming activities (sold potatoee & rye; spread manure, plowing, wheat, cut fence posts, loads of stone).

Pa surveying. Last day of school was April l1. Caucus at Town House. Warmbier elected chairman of town.

Apr. 14-May 9, 1898
Farming activities (plowing, spreading manure, sowed oat, cut fence posts, sawed wood, scraped garden, loaded stone for Gene [Hartwell] in all 26, foundation done, scraped away from where old fence was at home, loads sand for Kreuger, stretched wire on sides of Grandma's pasture). Pa plowed on Dagner.

Took Daisy to ball on the 29th and took Jessie to ball on the 30th. Pa teams 60 bu and 40 lbs rye for Warnke and Matz.

May 10-June 6, 1898
Farming activities (multiple days plowing; corn, sugar cane, potatoes). Did farming work at GH's [likely Gene Hartwell] and did more work at Dagner / JH's and GH's place.

Decoration day - went to Montello and saw Military Company.

June 7-30, 1898
Farming for themselves and for Gene and J.H.'s [Hartwell] (buckwheat, beans). Fixed stairway at home. Social at Pierce's [Peirce's]. Fell off Nell [horse] and hurt his neck.
July 1-25, 1898
Farming activities (potatoes, sugar cane, rye, beans, wheat, oats). Cut Tiess's rye ($2.50). Ma, Jule Teske and Herman Teske hoed beans on J.H.'s. Binder broke down; Pa got several McCormick Bindfers for P&H.
July 26-Aug. 16, 1898
Farming activities (oats, rye, wheat). On Aug. 5, threshed 341 bu of their own grain: 106 of oats, 41 of wheat, 194 of rye.

Threshed last of Peirce's grain. Made contract for me as water-boy.

Threshed for Grandpa (112 bu) and moved to Frank Rogack or Rogock (286 bu). Worked at Martin's, shaker broke, fixed at home, finished 250 bu. Moved to Mike Tims, broke 2 bottom shakers and had new made in Harrisville. Finished 280 bu.

Moved to Joe Duchenskie's, broke upper shaker, fixed it, and threshed 296 bu for Duchenskies. Threshed on August Matz's (608 bu); Robert Kinsels' (507 bu), and moved 3 miles to August Wigenkes (464 bu). Moved to Julius Matz [looks like 509 bu, but not sure I read that correctly]. Started on Ludwig Timms next.

Aug. 17-Sept. 7, 1898
Finished threshing for Louis Timms (194 bushels). Threshed 541 bu for August Goodman, 362 bu for Herman Kohnke, 354 bu for Robert Timm, 450 bu for Witt, 522 bu for August Zelmer.

Went to Westfield and threshed 267 bu for Hugh Rooney,350 bu for Jack Douglas, 300 bu for Earl Cooper, 220 bu for Newton Camel, 181 bu for "Old Leopard", 587-1/2 bu for August Leopard.

Went to Paul Arnzy where P&H sent huller. Got separator from Leopards because it was too damp to hull. Threshed AM and hulled PM for Arnzy. Threshed 810 bu grain, 43 bu clover for Paul Arnzy. Moved huller to Jim Long's and stayed at Bartz's the next day (on Sunday).

Threshed 104-/12 bu for Alfred Camel and hulled 18 bu for Jim Long. Hulled 61 bu for Gunder Christenson, Jack Douglas 3-1/2 and John Dabrinskie 3 bu. Then 39 bu for Bert Vaughn and 18-1/2 bu for Charlie Whitney Moved huller to "Big A___ Shatkey" for 30 bu. Started with thresher on Fred Dabrinskie's.

Sept. 8-30, 1898
More threshing: Finished Fred Dabrinksie - 320 bu. John Rahr 469 bu. Threshed at Gunder Christenson's then Gene Hartwell took over with block team.

Other farming activities (corn, rye, sygar rye, beans).

Oct. 1-19, 1898
Farming activities (buckwheat, rye, potatoes, snapped popcorn). Richard Fenske helped them dig potatoes. Schauer bean thresher around helped Wm. Weckwerth (70 bushels), "us" (30 bu), Tiess (27 bu), Haselbower (53 bu).

On Oct. 16, Aunt Alice's baby died in the morning and Mr. Keyes died in the evening (both buried on the 18th). Eddie was a nephew to Alice Hartwell, wife to Eugene J. Hartwell.

Set traps. Multiple references of # of mudhens and rat caught.

Grandma Block "died today" (Oct. 14, 1898), and "Ma" went to Chicago that same day.

TRANSCRIPTION NOTE: "Grandma Block" was not Edward's biological grandmother. His biological mother's maiden surname was Robinson (Mary J. (Robinson) Phillips (Eddie's dad's first wife). She died in 1885 a few months before Eddie turned 5 years old.

Eddie's stepmother is Otillie "Delia" (Block) Phillips (who he called "Ma"). Eddie's entry suggests Delia's mother died in 1898, which puts some earlier genealogy research in doubt. It's possible Eddie called someone else "Grandma Block" in his stepmother's extended family.

Based on research, it appears that Rosina (Rosine or Rosa) Rosina (Vandrey) Block and Frederich Wilhelm Block were Eddie's parents on his mother's side.

I thought that Rosine might be "Grandma Block." Howeer, she shows up on the 1905 Wisconsin Census as living with her son August and not deceased. That's the mismatch between Eddie's entry and prior research.

More research is needed, including including expanding to the Chicago area where Eddie's stepmother [Ottilie "Delia" (Block) Phillips] went the same date Eddie noted the death of "Grandma Block." Ottilie's sister Minnie lived in Chicago.

Oct. 20-Nov. 12, 1898
Farming (potatoes, corn, beans, hays, turnips), Martha Teske had birthday party.

Teamed 3 loads r. One delivered to Parker. Nance [their horse] died on field while hauling manure (said they didn't know why).

Nov. 14-Dec. 10, 1898
Farming & other chorse (hay, rye, loaded manure & wood, did painting, worked on stairway). 30.32 lbs rye to Princeton @ 49.5 cents a bushell and sold Nance's hide for $2. Another trip took rye to Princeton - 50.5 cents bu.

Banquet at Grandma's Thanksgiving. Out of ice. Pa teamed for "Old Man Reinke"; shod horses and teams 1 load stalks for him. Took "Old Hartwell's" bean fodder to him & teamed "ours" home (3 loads). Teamed 1 load r. Returned borrowed hay.

Dec. 11-Dec.31, 1898
Farming and chores (hay, borrowed buzz saw and sawed). 1 load hay; rack broke & had to load again. Helped "Old Man Weckwerth" with one load hay. Got lambs from Pierce's [Peirce] (Breeder sheep). Celebrated Christmas L.Church.

Gottlieb Wagner burnt himself & buildings (Dec. 18, 1898); people going to see the ruins. Dec. 19: First day in school in 1898. Hugh Yates teacher.

Lawsuit Yahr vs. Duckenske.

Dec. 31: Failure at setting power for E.J. Phillips

Jan. 1-31, 1899
Sawed wood multiple days. Got 2 loads manure from E.J. Phillips. Pa shod horses at P&H's shop [Phillips and Hartwell] and later their own horses. Bottle engine disabled.

Lawsuits of Jones & Morris vs. P. & H. adjourned. Few days later Pa went to Westfield with injunction.

Pa got E.J. Phillips' cow back from tax collector.

Mr. Parker died of pneumonia.

Pierce's creamery burned. [Peirce]

Feb. 1-22, 1899
Loaded hay multiple dates, put up ice, Creamery Co. cutting ice at lake, helped Grandpa put up his ice ("we" gave him 50 cakes).

Jurgens suing Krueger for blackening his eye. Eddie taught for Yates who was subpoenaed as witness for Jurgens case.

"Went for P&H's lost huller at Somrenberg's Herman. About 24 miles, got back to Rojocks and left it." A few days later, brought the huller home from Rojocks and put it under shed.

Yates kicked by horse; no school that week.

Pa went to Montello several times on account of Kreuger & Jurgens suit.

Feb. 23-Mar.18, 1899
Eddie being examined in different class subjects. Pa sawed wood for ___ Krinke for $3. Loading wood on multiple dates. Pa sawed wood at Henslins Medicine Show in town and a few days for "Old Man Shultz."

Fred Bartz died (noted March 15, 1899).

Worked surveying for Pennyfil on railroad.

Mar. 19-Apr. 8, 1899
Bert Bartz, Julius Bartz and Fred Day & his wife visited.

Surveyed on railroad; leveling for Pennyfil. Went up around Hugh Yates.

Robert Weckwerth buried (March 26, 1899).

Wrote at teacher's examination. Sawed wood for Hazelbower and others. Corn at 50 cents a cut.

Apr. 10-30, 1899
Farming and chores (wheat, oat, loaded sawdust and manure, took old binder apart, cleaned barn).

Ma fell through horses feed hole; got Pa and the doctor.

Eddie went to teachers institute. Pa surveying in Endeavor. Lobeyskies visited.

May 1-25, 1899
Farming activities (corn, sugar cane) and chores. Plowed Parker's garden and at J.H.'s [likely John Hartwell].

May 26-June 19, 1899
Farming activities (sugar cane, corn, beans, Early Ohio potatoes). Worked 1 day at Shields Creamery for H.J. Week.

June 20-July 10, 1899
Farming and chores (clover, potatoes, beans, rye, fixed pasture fence for calves). Neshkoro and Germania band practiced and played at Neshkoro on the 4th of July.

July 11-28, 1899
Farming activities and chores (rye, turnips, hay, oats).

Amelia Block and Minnie Reinholtz [formerly Minnie Block] of Chicago visited. [Both women were sisters of Ottilia "Delia" Block who is Eddie's stepmother.]

July 29-Aug. 19, 1899
Farming activities and chores (hay, wheat, oats, rye, fixed mower & trucks, making winter shed for cows).

Noted on Aug. 17: Grandma's rye - 74 bushels; "our" wheat - 18 bu; our oats - 126 bu, J.H.'s rye - 87 bu.

Aug. 21-Sept. 10, 1899
Farming activities (hay, corn, rye, clover). Sept 9 entry: Pierce threshed 824; Kreuger 32 grain. Went fishing with net.

Made contract with Crystal Lake School Dist. No. 3 for 7 months @ $19 per month.

Sept 11-30, 1899
Farming activities and chores (corn, beans, sugar cane, rye). # of critters caught by date (also noted on earlier pages), including mudhens, ducks, teal.

Back inside cover
Count of squirrels, patridges, mudhens and muskrats for 1898.

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