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Misc. Block Surname Records
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Name | Information |
Amanda Therese Block | Born May 6, 1843; christened July 16, 1843; parents - August Friedrich Block and Helene Christine Klenk [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Amelia Block | Married Albert E. Yanke on Mar. 23, 1904. [Green Lake Co., WI, Marriage Index Record (Vol. 8, p. 398)] |
Anna Justina Block | Born June 22, 1814; christened July 3, 1814; parents - Emanuel Block and Friderica (or Friederica) Wegner [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
August Block | August Block of Radwanke married Caroline Ronfranz of Budzin on Aug. 22, 1852. Caroline was 23 years old (August's age was illegible). [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
August Block | The 1905 Wisconsin Census in Mecan, Marquette County, Wisconsin, shows:
I originally thought this record connected Rosina Block was the same as Rosa/Rosine Vandrey Block. However an entry in Edward Harold Phillips' journal said his "Grandma Block died today" (Oct. 14, 1898). Edward's mother while he was young. Eddie lived with his father George Ellis Phillips and his 2nd wife Ottilie "Delia" Block. |
August Friedrich Block | Born Mar. 1, 1815; christened Mar. 12, 1815; parents - Christian Block and Christina Elisabeth Peters [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Auguste Block | Mother of:
Auguste Bertha Block | Born Sept. 19, 1836; christened Oct. 16, 1836; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Rudolphine Von Brockhusen [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Auguste Emilie Bloch | Auguste Emilie Bloch's death record names Wilhelm Bloch and Luise Schulz (parents?). Auguste was 9 months old when she died. Date in record - April 30, 1858. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Auguste Friedricke Block | Born Sept. 25, 1841; christened Oct. 31, 1841; parents - Christian Friedrich Block and Friedricke Luise Reitz [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Bertha Luise Block | Born Apr. 5, 1835; christened Apr. 16, 1835; parents - Emanuel Block and Anna Elisabeth Zumach [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Bertha Luise Block | Born Dec. 18, 1843; christened Jan. 14, 1844; parents - Christian Friedrich Block and Friedrike Luise Reetz [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Carl Friedrich Block | Born Dec. 23, 1831; christened Jan. 1, 1832; parents - Emanuel Block and Emma Elisabeth Ziemach [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Carl Fridrich (or Friedrich) Block | Born Aug. 9, 1806; christened Aug. 17, 1806; parents - Johann Fridrich (or Friedrich) Block and Anna Christina Wiencken [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia reord] |
Carl Ludwig Block | Born Aug. 30, 1852; christened Sept. 9, 1852; parents - Carl Block and Justina Schulz [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Carl Wilhelm Block | Born Nov. 28, 1873; christened Dec. 14, 1873; parents - Carl Block and Wilhelmine Lehmann; residence - Cziskowo; witnesses - Auguste Lehmann, Wilhelmine Hinds [?], and Wilhelm Block [LDS Film #1496971 - Evangelischen Kirche zu Battrow (Batrorowo)] |
Carlotte Bloch | Tombstone in Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Mecan, Marquette Co., WI, shows Carlotte, frau [wife] of Johan Bloch (born Oct. 1826; died May 12, 1881) |
Caroline Block | Born Feb. 27, 1848; christened Mar. 12, 1848; parents - Carl Block and Justine Schulz [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Carolina Friderica [or Friederica?] Block | Born June 8, 1817; christened June 18, 1817; parents - Christina Block and Christina Elisabeth Peters [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Caroline F. Block | Married John S. Pahl on June 20, 1872. [Green Lake Co., WI, Marriage Index Record (p. 24)] |
Caroline Friedricke Block | Born Feb. 6, 1838; christened Feb. 17, 1838; parents - Christian Friedrich Block and Friedrike Luise Reetz [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia recrd] |
Caroline Henrietta Block | Born Mar. 13, 1810; christened Mar. 25, 1810; parents - Joh. Fridr. Block and Anna Christiana Wiencken [middle name abbreviated as Xstina] [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Charles Block | 1870 Federal Census in Marquette (post office Grand Prairie), Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
Christina Elisabeth Block | Born Nov. 15, 1812; christened Nov. 29, 1812; parents - Christian Block and Christina Peters [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Christine Elisabeth Block | Mother of Emilie Dorothee Uecker [I'm not I transcribed last name correctly - hard to read]; Emilie was born Nov. 30, 1833 and christened Jan. 17, 1834; father was Johann Wilhelm Uecker [?] [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Christoph Block | Mar. 5, 1826 record (likely baptismal) says Wilhelmina Heinrietta Block's parents were Christoph Block and Catharina Lohrcke. Witnesses: Christoph Bubbolz, Paul Lemcke (line over m), Anna Christina [last name unreadable], Anna Louisa Breda (maiden name Penck - line over n). [LDS Film # 0905036 - Battrow, Prussia, record] |
Christoph Block | Christoph Block was a witness to Augusta Friederica Schulz's baptism on Aug. 11, 1830. Augusta's parents were Johann Schulz and Charlotte Wilhelmine Muller (with umlat over u; same as Mueller). Other witnesses were: Joh: Pinnow (abbreviation for Johann), Rosa Fenske (maiden name Weinkauf) and Carl Remcke (or Reimcke). [LDS Film # 0905036 - Battrow, Prussia, record] |
Elisabeth Block | Mother of the bride -- Elisabeth Block and David Rux were parents of Dorothea Elisabeth Rux; Dorothea married Martin Klawiter on Nov. 25, 1849; Martin's father was Erdman Klawiter [with line over n in Erdman] [LDS Film #1396385 - Patron Sheets 1969-1991 - Vandsburg, West Prussia Evan. Church Record] |
Elisabeth Block | Mother of Anna Ernestine Caroline Klawitter; father of Anna was Carl Klawitter; Anna was born Aug. 15, 1848 and christened on Aug. 20, 1848 [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Emil Block | Emil Block's death record names Johann Bloch and Elizabeth Plolenski [name hard to read; I assume this is Polenski, but it sure looked like an "L" after the first letter]. They were likely Emil's parents. Emil died at age 9 months. Note that this record had Emil's last name ending in a "K" and Johann's last name in an "H". Date in record - Sept. 24, 1864. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Ernestine Auguste Block | Born Apr. 8, 1858; christened Apr. 21, 1858; parents - Johann Block and Anna Schick [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Ernestine Luise Block | Ernestine Luise Block's death record names what I assume to be her parents - Gottfried Block and Luise Friske. Date on record - Dec. 18, 1854. Town named in record - looks like Fankendorf (Jankendorf?). [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Ernst Wilhelm Block | Born Dec. 20, 1808; christened Dec. 26, 1808; parents - Christian Block [abbreviated as Xstian] and Christina Petersen [abbreviated as Xstina in record] [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Eva Rosine Block | Mother of Anne Elisabeth Remus; Anne was born or christened on Dec. 4, 1808 [I'm not clear on what type of record this was]; Anne's father was Lorenz Remus; witnesses - Christian Heese, Christian Mahlke [abbreviated as Xan] and Anne Schabern [?] [LDS Film #245426 - "Evangelisches Pfarant zu" Vandsburg] |
Ferdinand Ludwig Block | Born Oct. 5, 1841; christened Nov. 11, 1841; parents - August Wilhelm Block and Helene Christine Klenck [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Ferdinand Block | 1870 Federal Census in Marquette (post office Grand Prairie), Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
Ferd. Block | 1880 Federal Census in Princeton, Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
Franz Leo Block | Born June 10, 1830; christened Nov. 19, 1830; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Mathilde Eleonore Steinbrueck [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Fred Block | 1920 Federal Census in Harris, Marquette Co., WI, shows:
Also see notes on Fred's 1930 Federal Census record and World War I Draft Card. |
Fred Bloch or Block | 1930 Federal Census in Harris, Marquette Co., WI, shows:
Also see notes on Fred's 1920 Federal Census record and World War I Draft Card. |
Fred August Block | World War I Selective System Draft Registration Card - Sept. 12, 1918 -- Serial No. 486; Order A599; Registrar's Report 48-2-8-C (image in
Fred Aug. Block - Home Address: 5 Montello, Wis.; 40 years old; date of birth - Oct. 6, 1877; race - white. Naturalized U.S. - 11; Citizen by Father's Naturalization Before Registrant's Majority - 12; Alien Declarant - 12; Alience Non-declarant - 14. Present occupation - Farmer (self employed). Nearest Relative: Martha Block at 5 Montello, Wis. [Martha appears as his wife on Federal Census records noted above 1920 and 1930. Description of Registran: Height - medium; Build - stout; grey eyes, brown hair; not obviously physically disqualified. Card signed by L.G. Miller - Sept. 12, 1918 |
Friederica (or Friderica?) Wilhelmina Block | Born Nov. 29, 1811; christened Dec. 15, 1811; parents - Emanual Block and Friederica (or Friderica) Sophia Wegener [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Friederica Wilhelmina Block | Born Aug. 21, 1810; christened Aug. 26, 1810; parents - Christian Block and Christina Luisa Peters [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Friedrich August Block | Friedrich August Block was christened Dec. 22, 1833. Parents: Gottfried Block and Anna Louise Friske. Witnesses: Ludwig Gust, Christoph Kroll and Rosine Kling___ [last part illegible]. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Friedrich Johann Block | Born Dec. 15, 1852; christened Dec. 26, 1852; parents - Johann August Block and Anna Schick [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Friedrich Wilhelm Block | See the web pages of Friedrich Wilhelm Block and his wife Ottilie "Delia" Emilie Block for more Block records. |
Friedrich Wilhelm Block | Jan. 1823 (birth/christening record?); parents - Johan Daniel Block [live over n in Johan] and Ana Dorothea Stetter [lien over n in Ana]; location - Zachasberg; witnesses - Gottfried Taggatz, Ana Dorothea Wesner [line over n in Ana] and Johan [surname unreadable] |
Friedrich Wilhelm Block | Born Apr. 4, 1855; parents - Philipp Block and Caroline Sprengell [I'm not sure I deciphered last name correctly]; residence - Illowo; witnesses - Wilhelm [I couldn't read all of surname but last three letters look like "aun"], Caroline Bonin and Dorothea Weldin [surname may be mistranscribed; hard to read] [LDS Film #1496971 Kirchenbucduplikat - Evangelischen Kirche zu Battrow (Batrorowo)] |
Friedrich Wilhelm Bloch | Friedrich Wilhelm Bloch was baptized May 23, 1858. Parents: Wilhelm Bloch and Henriette Guse. Witnesses: Martin Dusterhoft, August Neumann and Juliane ____. Town named: Sieben scholesschen. [LDS MF # 1194738 - Kirchenbuch, Kreis Kolmar, Prussia] |
Georgine Ottilie Block | Born June 1, 1835; christened July 3, 1835; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Rudolphine Brockhusen [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Gottfried Block | Gottfried Block of Nowan married Louise Friske on May 18, 1825. Gottfried's father was Andreas Block. Louise's father was Michael Friske. Ages: Gottfried was 32; Louise was 20. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Gottfried Block | Birth or christening record - April 1822 - for Gottfried Block. His father was Gottfried Block, and his mother was Rosina Piecker [I may have mistranscribed her last name; it was hard to read]. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Gottleib [should be Gottlieb?] Block | Born Mar. 27, 1806; christened Mar. 31, 1806; parents - Christian Block and Dorothea Louisa Petersen [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Gottlieb Bloch | Tombstone in Dartford Cemetery, Green Lake, Green Lake Co., WI, shows Gottlieb Bloch (1876 - 1961) and Emelia Bloch (1880 - 1963). |
Gottleb Block | 1930 Federal Census in Brooklyn, Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
Gottlieb Block | Gottlieb Block married Anna Dorothea Wende__ [last part of surname illegible] in 1822 [I couldn't decipher specific date]. Ages: Gottlieb was 60; Anna was 50. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Gottleib Albert Bloch [I suspect this should be Gottlieb] | Born Nov. 27, 1873; christened Dec. 7, 1873; parents - Johann Bloch and Justine Wendland [LDS Film #11398-9 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Gottlieb Martin Bloch or Block | Nov. 1825 (birth/christening?); parents - Michael Bloch or Block and Marianne Schruhl; location - Raderwunke [LDS Film No. 807992 - Evangelische Kirche Kolmar - Kolmar, Posen, Prussia record] |
Hanna Christina Block | Born Apr. 29, 1819; christened May 16, 1819; parents - Emanuel Block and Friderica [or Friederica?] Sophia Wegener [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Hannah Block | 1870 Federal Census in Kingston, Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
Henrietta Friderica (or Friederica) Block | Born Jan. 1, 1817; christened Jan. 12, 1817; parents - Emanuel Block and Friderica (or Friederica) Sophia Wegener [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Hermann George Block | Born July 10, 1839; christened Aug. 18, 1839; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Rudolphine Von Brockhusen [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Hermann Ludwig Block | Born Feb. 16, 1860; christened Mar. 25, 1860; parents - Karl Block and Justine Schuelz [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Johann Bloch | Tombstone in Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Mecan, Marquette Co., WI, shows Johann Bloch (Mar. 16, 1816 - Sept. 22, 1895). |
Johann Bloch | Johann Friedrich Bloch died at age 25 days. Named in August 1854 record were presumed parents - Johann Bloch and A. Elizabeth Polenski. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Johann Bloch | Died Sept. 22, 1895 at the age of 79 years and six months of dropsy in Mecan, Marquette Co., WI. He was born in Laskowo, Prussia, Europe. His wife was Wilhelmine Hammersmith [? Lehmer - hard to read]. Born March 1816, parents not known. He is buried in the Ev. Luth. Cem. in Mecan. [Marquette Co., WI, Death Record (Vol. 2, p. 41)] |
Johann Bloch | Johann Bloch was listed in the death record of an unnamed child (likely stillborn). Elisabeth Polenski was also named (assumed to be the mother). Date in record - March 8, 1866. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Johann Bloch | Johann Bloch was listed in the death record of an unnamed child (likely stillborn). Elisabeth Polenski was also named (assumed to be the mother). Date in record - July 21, 1857. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Johann Bloch | Johann Bloch (of Nowen) married Marianna Redel (father: Michael Redel). This was an 1800 record, but I couldn't read the month or day. Town looked like Fannendorf (Jankendorf?). [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Johann August Bloch | Johann August Bloch baptized Jan. 15, 1844. Parents: Johann Bloch and Anna Justina Bloch (maiden name Neumann). Witnesses: Christoph Neumann, Ludwig Block and Anna Rosina Huse. Town named: Sieben Scholosechen. Radke also mentioned (location of record or place of baptism??). [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194738 - Kirchenbuch, Kr. Kolmar] |
Johann Daniel Block | Dec. 1825 (birth/christening record?); parents - Joh. Daniel Block and Ana Dorothea Stetter [line over n in Ana]; location - Zachasberg [LDS Film No. 807992 - Evangelische Kirche Kolmar - Kolmar, Posen, Prussia record] |
Johan Daniel Block [line over n in Johan] | July 1829 (birth/christening record?); parents - Johan Daniel Block [line over n in Johan] and Caroline Gellhaar [?] - location - Zachasberg [LDS Film No. 807992 - Evangelische Kirche Kolmar - Kolmar, Posen, Prussia record] |
Johann David Bloch or Block | Mar. 1826 (birth/christening?); parents - Johan Daniel Bloch or Block [line over n in Johan] and Dorothea Stetter; location - Zachasberg [LDS Film No. 807992 - Evangelische Kirche Kolmar - Kolmar, Posen, Prussia record] |
Johann Friedrich August Block | Born Jan. 5, 1850; christened Jan. 20, 1850; parents - Carl Ludwig Block and Justina Schulz [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Block | Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Block married Anna Louise Reiter of Radke on May 8, 1832. Johann's father was Gottfried Block. Ages: Johann was __3 [1st digit illegible; Anna was 42. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Johann Gustav Block | Born Dec. 12, 1837; christened Jan. 25, 1838; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Rudolphine Von Brockhewen [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Johann Ludwig Block | Johann Ludwig Block (of Frankendorf) married Anna Christine Henke on Nov. 21, 1824. Johann's father was Johann Block of Siebenfohloschen [I'm not sure this is transcribed correctly]. Anna's father was Martin Henke of Mudzecid. Ages: The groom was 24; Anna was 22. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Johann Ludwig Block | Johann Ludwig Block was christened Dec. 5, 1830. Parents: Gottfried Block and Louise Friske of Jankendorf. Witnesses: Anna Rosina Harmel, Gottlieb Gust and Christoph Kroll. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 11994720 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Johann Theodor Block | Born Jan. 20, 1856; christened Jan. 27, 1856; parents - Johann Block and Anna Schick [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Johanna Maria Block | Born Mar. 3, 1834; christened Apr. 11, 1834; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Rudolphine Von Brockhusen [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
John Block | 1860 Federal Census in Mecan, Marquette Co., WI, shows:
John Block | 1870 Federal Census in Mecan, Marquette Co., WI, shows:
John Block | 1880 Federal Census in Mecan, Marquette Co., WI, shows:
Juliana Albertina Block | Born Apr. 2, 1820; christened Apr. 26, 1820; parents - Christian BLock and Christina Elisabeth Peters [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Julianna Block or Bloch | Married Jacob Mathizer or Mathizen on July 29, 1874. [Green Lake Co., WI, Marriage Index, p. 35] |
Julie Block | Julie Block was christened Apr. 21, 1833. Parents: Johann Block and Anna Louise Radke of Bracknitz __land [partially illegible]. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 11994720 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Julius Block | 1900 Federal Census in Green Lake, Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
Justine Block | Married August Wendland on Nov. 26, 1868. [Green Lake Co., WI, Marriage Index Record, p. 10] |
Justine Caroline Bloch | Sept. 1829 (birth/christening record?); parents - Michael Bloch and Mariane Schruhl [line over letter n]; location mentioned - Raderenke ? [LDS Film No. 807992 - Evangelische Kirche Kolmar - Kolmar, Posen, Prussia record] |
Justine Wilhelmine Bloch | Nov. 1827 (birth/christening?); parents - Michael Bloch and Ana Mariana Schrul [line over both n's]; location - Radezouke or Radewunke [?] [LDS Film No. 807992 - Evangelische Kirche Kolmar - Kolmar, Posen, Prussia record] |
Karoline Auguste Block | Born Mar. 6, 1864; christened Mar. 19, 1864; parents - Johann Daniel Block and Elisabeth Stroschein [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
L. Block | Married E. Schewe on Dec. 11, 1878. [Green Lake Co., WI, Marriage Index Record (p. 59)] |
Ludwig Bloch | Ludwig Bloch was named in a death record with an unnamed child (stillborn?). Albertine Doms was also named (mother?). Date in record - Nov. 26, 1858. Town named - looks like Fankendorf (Jankendorf?). [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Maria Sophia Block | Maria Sophia Block was born Jan. 12, 1821 and christened Jan. 21, 1821 in Kolmar, Posen, Preussen. Parents: Johann Daniel Block and Anna Dorothea Stettern. [SOURCE: LDS record online from Evangelische Kirche Kolmar Batch No. C999071 -] |
Michael Block | 1860 Federal Census in Mecan, Marquette Co., WI, shows:
Michael Block | Michael Block married Anna Mariana Schruhl [line over n in middle name] (of Podrtollitz) in 1825 [my notes are missing the exact day]. Michael's father was Gottfried Block of Pirchewitz [this may not be transcribed correctly]. Anna's father was Peter Schruhl. Ages: Michael was 28; Anna was 26. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 1194721 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
Michael Wilhelm Block | Born Sept. 8, 1861; christened Sept. 11, 1861; parents - Johann Block and Anna Schick; record references burial/death entry on Sept. 16, 1861 [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Germany record] |
Michael Wilh. Bloch | Michael Wilh. Bloch's death record names Fried. Wilh. Bloch and Luise Schulz (likely his parents). Michael died at age 4 months. Date in record - Jan. 8, 1863. Town name hard to read, but looks something like Runsolewo Dom. [SOURCE: LDS Microfilm # 1194733 - Evangelisch Kirche Jankendorf - Kreis Kolmar - record] |
Ottilia Heloisa Block | Born Jan. 2, 1812; christened Jan. 17, 1812; parents - Johann Jacob Block and Charlotta Dorothea Wolf [LDS Film Batch #C99817-1; Call #905030, 903354; Gollnow, Pommern, Prussia record] |
Wilhelm Heinrich Block | Born Sept. 1, 1857; christened Sept. 13, 1857; parents - Carl Block and Justine Schulz [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Wilhelmine Block | Born Jan. 13, 1854; christened Jan. 22, 1854; parents - Carl Block and Justina Schulz [LDS Film #1124904 - Lobsens, Posen, Prussia record] |
Wilhelmine Block | Wilhelmine Block was christened Oct. 29, 1826. Parents: Gottfried Block and Louise Friske of Fankendorf. [SOURCE: LDS Film # 11994720 - Kr. Kolmar, Prussia] |
William Block | 1880 Federal Census in Marquette, Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
William Block | 1880 Federal Census in Marquette, Green Lake Co., WI, shows:
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