For My Cousins Catherine Smith Hartwell

Catherine Smith Hartwell's husband was Maurice Hartwell. For information about Maurice's ancestors, go to Angelina Maria Ellis Phillips Hartwell's web page. Angelina was Maurice's grandmother.

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Catherine Smith's husband was Maurice Hartwell. Her parents were Frank and Anna Smith, who are buried at Queen of Peace Cemetery in Antigo, Wisconsin. Catherine shares a headstone with her husband in the Germania Cemetery in Germania, Marquette County, WI. The tombstone says she was born in 1904 (no death date was inscribed).

For information about Maurice's ancestors, go to Angelina Maria Ellis Phillips Hartwell's web page. Angelina was Maurice's grandmother.

Photo and information about Catherine's parents is courtesy of Jessica Stern.


Image # 1823 (H1)

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Last update of this page - July 8, 2015
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