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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 67
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
Yearbook Page
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Editorial Staff

Left to Right, Rear Row - [Gladys] Merriman, [Edwin] Taylor, [Ina] Crockett, [John] Collins, [James] MacGregor, [Frank] Robinson, [Olga] Block, [Erwin] Miller, [Ella] Sanford
Front Row - [Florence] Birkholz, [Claude] Huber, [Minnie] Blasing, [Raa] Brown, [Mayme] Burgdorff, [Norman] Christensen

Editor-in-chief...Edwin Taylor
Senior Editor...Gladys Merriman
Junior Editor...Ella Sanford
Sophomore Editor...John Collins
Freshman Editor...Mayme Burgdorff
Literary Editor...Florence Birkholz
Art Editors...Minnie Blasing, Olga Block, Claude Huber
Alumni Editor...Ina Crockett
Athletic Editor...Erwin Miller
Organizations...Norman Christensen
Wit and Humor...James MacGregor
Business Manager...Frank Robinson
Assistant Business Manager...Raa Brown

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