For My Cousins Jessie Mabel O'Neil ("Shorty"); Belva Florence Roberts ("Belvadere"); Frank Bennett Robinson ("Skinny"); Robert William Schimelpfenig ("Schimmel") Home Page
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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 16
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
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Jessie Mabel O'Neil "Shorty"
A lucky girl is Jessie, dear,-- She riders her pony without fear; She craves no auto like the rest.--For her pet, "Queenie," is the best.
Teachers' Training Course.
Philathean, 4; Arena, 1, 2, 3; Girls' Glee Club, 3, 4; High School Orchestra, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance Record, 1, 2, 3, 4; Treasurer Teachers' Club, 4; Class Play, 4.

Belva Florence Roberts "Belvadere"
Why that far-away look in her eyes? She has one hope that never dies. Will she teach school? It's pretty tough; A year, I think will be enough.
Teachers' Training Course.
Athenian, 4; Arena, 1, 2, 3; Teachers' Club, 4; Perfect Attendance Record, 1, 2, 4; Girls' Glee Club, 3, 4; Charge to Faculty, 4.

Frank Bennett Robinson "Skinny"
His little head is full of schemes - From reading Top-Notch magazines.
Commercial Course.
Treasurer Athena, 4; Arena, 1, 2, 3; Business Manager; B. B. Play, 4; Minstrel Play, 3; Class Play, 4.

Robert William Schimelpfenig "Schimmel"
The laziest boy in Westfield High. "I haven't it finished," is his one cry.
Teachers' Training Course.
Philathean, 4; Arena, 1, 2, 3; High School Orchestra, 3, 4; Vice-President Teachers' Club, 4; Minstrel Play, 3; Class Play, 4; Class Prophecy.

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