For My Cousins Evaline Dorothea (Tagatz) Phillips and others
See below for list of names

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Family Photo
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This photo came with a list of handwritten names, but it doesn't break down the names into more than 3 rows, and it is short one name (in the "third row" listing). If you can fill in a missing name, please send Jean an email:

Here is how the photo was labeled:

Top Row - Lester Knaack, Edwin Flynn, Paul Freitag, _____ Metska

Second Row - Conrad Detman, Paul Hoffman, William Bartlett, Rudoph Theobald, Arnold Klettke, Walter Flynn, _________ Krueger, Herman Witt

Third Row - Reverend Theobald, ____ Klawitter, Honora Wegenke, Elsie Theobald, Eleanora Manthey, Adaline Schuman, _____ Saltzwedel, ______ Klawitter, Clara Witt, Edna Bornick, Lucile Radke, ___ Krueger, ____ Krueger, Evaline Tagatz [I recognize her; she is on the front far right], Fritz Miller and Evelyn Sell

Image # 1282 (T41)

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Last update of this page - Jan. 15, 2011
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