For My Cousins Pension Paperwork - James Madison Phillips - Military Record - Pg. 8

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Page 2 - James Madison Phillips Military Record
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Pension Paperwork for James Madison Phillips (Civil War Veteran)

Department of the Interior, Pension Office - Oct. 23, 1883 - Respectfully requested of the Adjutant General U.S.A. a report of service and disability in the case No. 495, 456, of Jas. M. Phillips, Pvt. A, 16 Wis. V., disabled by chronic diarrhea and piles, Cairo, Ill. Apr. or May 30, 1864; neuralgia head, neck and breast, Atlanta, Ga, July 1864; discharged July 12, 1865, please give full mil. his. - signed by Wm. W. Dudley, Commissioner.

Act of June 27, 1890 - Drop Order and Report - Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Finance Division - Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1908 - Eliza Phillips (pensioner) - Certificate Number 489049 - widow - Soldier: James M. - Service: A-16 Wis. Inf. - U.S. Pension Agent, Topeka - Sir: You are hereby directed to drop from the roll the name of the above-described pensioner who died Aug. 30, 1908 - signed: J. L. Davenport, Acting Commissioner -

Report: Commissioner of Pensions - Sir: The name of the above-described pensioned, who was last paid at $12 per month to Aug. 4, 1908, has this day been dropped from the roll of this agency...

Source: I obtained this military record from the U.S. Federal Government.

Image # 1787 (Mil8)

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