For My Cousins Son's Birth Certified (Jesse Franklin Phillips) - Military Record - Pg. 7

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Birth Certified (Jesse Franklin Phillips) - son of James Madison Phillips (Civil War Veteran)

Jesse Franklin Phillips - Born May 14, 1884

State of Missouri, County of Green: I E.D. Ott, a Notary Public in and for said county and state do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of part of the original record purporting to be the original family record of James M. and Eliza Phillips; recorded on the fly leaves of a book called The Improved system of Domestic medicine; published in 1857 by Rulison Publishing Co. Cincinnati and Philadelphia. And said record was subsequently removed from said book and pasted in another and more substantial book called Story of America. From the general appears of said writing I believe it was written a number of years ago. My commission as Notary Public will expire Dec. 16, 1902 - E.D. Ott, Notary Public.

Eliza Phillips widow of James M. Phillips being duly sworn says that the original family record of which the above is a part was written by her said husband, we had no family bible and the births and deaths were recorded as above stated and that the record of the birth of said Jesse Franklin Phillips was made by her said husband a few days after his birth. Eliza Phillips' "X" mark as signature -- Witnesses: Hattie Phillips and Ida Blackwell....

Source: I obtained this military record from the U.S. Federal Government.

Image # 1786 (Mil7)

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