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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 70
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
Yearbook Page
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11. School work was resumed.
15. Basket ball game at Plainfield. Victory 23 to 8. Girls play a 2-to-2 tie game.
21-22. Final examinations of first semester.
22. Semester ended with victory over Plainfield, 25 to 13.
29. Team lost close game at Endeavor; score, 3 to 6.

3. Graduation honors awarded. Gladys Merriman, with average of 94.5 in scholarship merits valedictory.
5. Basket ball game with Friendship; Westfield 108, Friendship 0.
8. Miss DeBoth succeeded Miss Kelsey, resigned.
9. Miss Reynolds of State department made a survey.
12. Woman suffrage won, 2 to 1, in literary society debate.
Victory in double header. Second team vs. Oxford High, 31 to 6; Westfield vs. Stevens Point Normal Seconds, 19 to 13.
22. Washington's birthday was celebrated.
24. State School Inspector Anderson and County Superintendent Reid visited the school.
26. Friendship forfeited game by refusing to play.

1. Important meeting of the faculty.
12. Basket ball game with Portage "Selects." Victory, 51 to 4.
Several seniors and Principal Swartz participate in the program of the County School Boards' Convention.
19. Westfield High vs. Portage High. Victory, 31 to 23.
26-27. Basket ball team participated in Stevens Point tournament.
29. Faculty met in monthly meeting.

2. Seventh month quizzes. Last literary program rendered. Spring vacation began.
12. School reopened for last two months of year.

7. The senior class play "Turned Up" was staged.
27. Final examinations began.
31. The faculty met in last monthly session.

2. Class Day exercises were rendered in High School Auditorium.
3. Commencement exercises took place in opera house.
4. Promotions were made and school closed for 1914-15.

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