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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 63
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
Yearbook Page
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Specie - Locality
San'-bur...Grand Marsh
Am-ber (solid)...Baltic Region
Am-ber (liquid)...Milwaukee

Dear Teacher:
Please excuse Harvey for his absence from school, as he feel into the mill pond. You will oblige me by doing the same. Yours truly, Mrs. _____

Time was we though we knew it all,
But now we must confess
The more we know, we know we know,
We know we know the less.

The Freshman's Quotation: "Florence is our Shepard, we shall not want." [Reference to Florence Shepard]

Harrisville may make you frown,
And Lawrence, -- what a place !
Say, if you'd see a lovely Towne,
Just turn your lamps on Grace ! [Reference to Grace Towne]

Frank R.'s Motto: "Don't study your lesson, lessen your study."

Brilliant Student: "I shall never forget you, dear teacher. I am indebted to you for all I know."
Kind Teacher: "Oh, I beg of you, don't mention such a trifle."

Freshman: "Miss DeBoth gave me a calling down for something I didn't do."
Sophomore: "Something you didn't do? What was it?
Freshman: "Didn't keep my notebook up-to-date."

New Parson on Main Street: "Glad to meet you. Do you attend a place of worship?"
Fussy Senior: "Why, yes; I'm on the way to see her now."

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