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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 50
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
Yearbook Page
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The Teachers' Club

The Teachers' Club has for its membership those seniors and juniors who are pursuing the teachers' training course. The present club has nineteen members and the majority of them are among the most scholarly and most progressive students in the high school.

The club holds meetings, the members and Mrs. Faith Bennett, the teacher in charge of the teachers' training department, convening from time to time for the purpose of discussing various topics pertaining to rural schools and questions arising in their observations and practice teacher, and for mutual helpfulness and self-improvement. These embryonic teachers are qualifying themselves for successful teaching in the rural schools of Marquette County. The members during the current year are:

Preceptress...Mrs. Faith Bennett

President...Olga Block
Vice-President...Robert Schimelpfenig
Secretary...Myrtle Curran

Minnie Blasing, Claude Huber, Grace Ogle, Blanche Hamilton, Gladys Huber, Jessie O'Neil, Audrey Huber, Gladys Merriman, Belva Roberts

Juniors: Bessie Bursack, Maybelle Lau, Ella Sanford, Robert Lange, Irene McGraw, Myrtle See, Anna Tonn

The High School Orchestra

The high school orchestra was organized in September, 1913, by Miss Meta Radtke, instructor in music. This band of nine members, by frequent rehearsals, was able in a short time to play a number of pieces quite well. The orchestra is a valuable adjunct to the school organization. During the two years of its existence, it has furnished music at basket ball games, school plays, commencement exercises, and upon various other occasions. The membership of the orchestra during the current year of 1914-15 is the following:

Victor Haberman, Director...Violin
Florence Birkholz...Mandolin
Jessie O'Neil...Violin
Blanche DeWar...Piano
Norman Christensen...Clarinet
Robert Schimelpfenig...Cornet
Raa Brown...Trombone
Leo Kline...Drum

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