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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 48
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
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Girls' Glee Club

An old adage is that "music hath charms to soothe the savage beast." Be that as it may, certain it is that music, "the concord of sweet sounds," is a beautiful means of expression and it is quite as powerful a means as poetry, painting, or any other art. Music has so much educational, intellectual, and spiritual value that it should be an essential part of every school system.

The Westfield High School has for a number of years past recognized the value of music and, having present in the student body a large stock of dormant talent, due effort has been put forth to arouse and develop it. While considerable has been done in part singing and chorus practice, the large majority of the lady students has been organized into the Girls' Glee Club and been trained in singing by a qualified member of the faculty.

The Glee Club is comprised of a beautiful bevy of blithe lady singers and it has rendered fine selections at literary meetings, commencements, and on other occasions. The following comprise the officers and personnel of the club during 1914-1915:

Directors...Hazel Fletcher and Nettie Kelsey
President...Florence Birkholz
Secretary...Mabel Hengfuss
Sergeant-at-Arms...Olga Block
Accompanist...Elsa Schildo

First Soprano: Carrie Alexander, Olga Block, Grace Ogle, Georgia Beals, Emma Gardow, Mae Phelps, Florence Birkholz, Mabel Hengfuss, Maude Rathbun, Myrtle Curran, Gladys Merriman, Myrtle Smith, Lizzie Donovan, Lois Nelson, Adeline Tagatz [name misspelled -- should read Adaline], Grace Towne, Corinne Wilber

Second Soprano: Mayme Burgkorff, Blanche Hamilton, Esther Miller, Audrey Huber, Ruth Kietzman, Florence Shepard, Gladys Hamilton, Doris Lewis, Kate Schwark, Mabel Zimbeck

Alto: Minnie Blasing, Ella Fletcher, Agnes Hayes, Blanche DeWar, Gladys Huber, Maybelle Lau, Jessie O'Neil, Belva Roberts

[See the web page of my ancestor Fred Tagatz for information about Adaline Tagatz. Fred was Adaline's father.]

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