For My Cousins The Literary Society
Philathea - Officers and Members
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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 46
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
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The Literary Society

The Westfield High School has many years past had a literary society called the Arena. Different lines of work have been followed by it during the different administrations. Under the present administration, debating has been limited to the seniors and juniors. The sophomores have written original essays while the freshmen have recited selections committed to memory. The work has been planned to supplement largely the work in English, and the aim has been to make all exercises of great educational value. The student body, to create interest and friendly rivalry, has been organized during the current year into two separate organizations -- the Philathea and the Athena.

Excellent programs have been rendered at the monthly meetings. Instrumental and vocal numbers were always special features. The debates on live subjects were interesting and instructive, and produced keen rivalry, especially when the debaters were composed of teams of the two societies. The critic reports by members of the faculty contained helpful hints and valuable suggestions. The following are the officers and members of the two societies:


President...Harold Krentz
Vice-President...Edward Mishelow
Secretary...Gladys Merriman
Treasurer...Lois Nelson

Seniors: Florence Birkholz, Audrey Huber, Corinne Wilber, Myrtle Curran, Gladys Merriman, Norman Christensen, Blanche Hamilton, Jessie O'Neil, Claude Huber, Edward Mishelow, Robert Schimelpfenig

Juniors: Caroline Alexander, Frank Baggs, Elsa Schidlo, Grace Campbell, Robert Lange, Maude Rathbun, Maybelle Lau, Lois Nelson, Julius Sandow, Victor Walsh

Sophomores: Georgia Beals, Doris Perkins, Harold Krentz, Lizzie Donovan, Myrtle Smith, Paul Paulsen, Emma Gardow, Adaline Tagatz, Clarence Stuempfig, Dora Kaneman, John Collins, Spencer Walsh

Freshmen: Mayme Burgdorff, Esther Miller, Stuart Hamilton, Ruth Kietzman, Florence Shepard, Arthur Kujath, Howard Meinke, Richard Roberts

[See the web page of my ancestor Fred Tagatz for information about Adaline Tagatz. Fred was Adaline's father.]

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