For My Cousins Juniors - Class Officers, Colors, Flower, Motto -- "Why The Juniors are Envied," by Elsa Sanford Home Page
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1915 Westfield High School Yearbook - Page 24
(Marquette Co., Wisconsin)
Yearbook Page
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President...Lois Nelson
Vice-President...Ella Sanford
Secretary...John Steumpfig
Treasurer...Frank Baggs

Class Colors: Pink and White.
Class Flower: Pink Rose.
Class Motto: Rowing not Drifting.

"Why the Juniors are Envied"

There's an enviable class in Westfield High School
Which for one more year must abide by each rule.
The reasons are very easily comprehended.
When the facts are known why the Juniors are envied.
We have Grace who comes from the country.
Who's small in stature but not in mind.
And behold, Carrie, the sweetest singer.
Second only to the famous Jennie Lind.
And then there's our jolly Irene.
Who is a child of the Emerald Isle;
And May Belle, an angelic(?) student,
With hair dressed in the latest style.
Blanche and Elsa are the school musicians,
Without them, we could not survive;
And Bab, our girls' basket ball captain.
To win many games she does strive.
Then there's Pete, the class athlete,
Tisch the brilliant, and John L. the short;
Jule, Nan, and John S. are not far behind.
As is shown in every report.
There's Zig the commercial student.
Who will handle the cash some day;
And Bob, a future pedagogue,
Who means to have things his way.
Maude, a Grand Marsh student,
Who doth occupy a back seat,
Can ever be seen as well as the rest
Even in such a cosy retreat.
And lastly, comes Ella, and Anna too.
Who teachers some day will be;
'Twill not be odd if they wield the rod,
When they attempt to teach the A, B, C.

Ella Sanford, '16.

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