Dollie (or Dolly) Block's Autograph Album
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Autograph Album Signer | Autograph Album Entry |
German Entry =
I'm including a picture of this page since I am unable to read this myself [I'd include more images but I'm only allowed a limited amount of space on the Internet server] |
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E. [only signed with this one initial] | To Friend Dollie - They that wish to be respected must first respect themselves. Yours truly E. - Mar. 1 [or 7 ?], 1885 |
Ed [no surname given] | Dollie - "Her faith can't be wrong whose life is right - in faith and hope the world will disagree. But all mankind's concern is charity and must be false, that thwart this one great end, and all of God that bless mankind or mend [?]." Affectionately, Ed. - Germania - July 12, 1885 |
Lizzie [no surname given] | To Dollie - Not like the rose may our friendship wither but like the evergreen live forever. Your friend Lizzie 1-17-1884 |
Lilla O. Aldrich [middle initial hard to read; I may be mistranscribing it] | Miss Dollie, We have met mid the shadows of earth, May we meet in the sunshien of heaven. Yours truly, Lilla O. [?] Aldrich, Germania, Wis., Dec. 5, 1885 |
F.B. Anderson [first initial hard to read - might be mistranscribed] | When you are washing at the tub think of me before your rub, if your watter [SIC] is to hot think of me and forget me not. Your friend, F.B. Anderson |
Mrs. Jno. [? I'm not sure I'm reading this abbreviated name correctly, especially the last letter] Arends | Feb. 21st, 1896 - In memory's woodbox thrown one slick for me - Mrs. D.E. Reynders, Dear Friend, In "The Book" of life God's album, may your name be penned with care, And may all who here have written Write there [SIC] names forever tehre. Mrs. Jno. [?] Arends - Abbott, Iowa |
Lillie Arends | Feb. 21, 1886, Abbott Io. - Mrs. D.E. Reynders, Dear Friend -- Round went the album hither it came - For me to write in so here is my name. Your S.S. scholar, Lillie Arends |
E.S. Armel | April 3, 1888 - Friends are few and soon forgotten. Please remember me. E.S. Armel |
Adella A. Arp | Dear Dollie - Compliments of your friend Adella A. Arp |
Emma Arp | Dear Dollie - When this you see pray keep in mind a faithfull [SIC] friend is hard to find And if you find one just as true, Change not the old one for the new. Your friend - Emma Arp |
Glendawin or Glendarvin M. Barton [I'm not certain of first name] | Friend Dollie, Over our hearts and into our lives, Shadows will sometimes fall, But the good is never wholly hid, and God is over all. With very best wishes for the future - Your friend Glendawin [? or Glendarvin] M. Barton - Germania, Wis. - Oct. 5th, 1885 |
F.W. Bartz | ![]() |
Henry F. Bartz | May you always be happy is the wish of your true friend. Cousin Henry - Henry F. Bartz, Springfield, Nov. 15, 1885 [or possibly 1882 or 1887 - last digit is smudged a little] |
Minnie A. Bartz | Dear Cousin - Frendship [SIC] is a silken tie that bindes [as spelled] our hearts togather [SIC] and ifs [SIC] we never break that tie we will be cousins forever. Minnie A. Bartz, Springfield, Nov. 16, 1885 |
sister [last part of name cut off - first part says Ame -- I assume this is Amelia Block] | My dear sister - Within this book so pure and while let none but friend presume to write. And may each line with frendship [SIC] given direct the reachers thoughter [SIC] to heaven. Your sister [last part of name cut off - first part says Ame -- possibly Amelia; if this was Amelia, she would have been 11 years old when she wrote this ] - Davenport, Iowa - Apr. 3, 1888. [Go to Fred Block's web page for more information on her family. Amelia was Fred's daughter.] |
Carrie [Block] | Sister Dollie - Sometimes we reach them as the day - Gives God's own lights are shining bright up in the dark blue heaven. Your loving sister Carrie - Davenport - Dec. 31, 1882. [Go to Fred Block's web page for more information on her family. Carrie was Fred's daughter.] |
Charles Block [middle initial hard to read] | Germania - Jan. 11, '95 [or possibly '85 although looks more like 95 to me] - Sister Dollie - This album is a golden spot in which to write forget me not. Your brother Charles Block [middle initial given but I'm not sure what it is - could be an I, F or T ?]. [Go to Fred Block's web page for more information on his family. Charles was Fred's son.] |
sister Delia [Block] | Dear Dollie - May thy free happy spirirts [SIC] be ever as now, May not dark winged shadows eir darken thy brow - May flowers and sunshine ever bloom in thy path - and they soul be as pure as the morn's day breath - And when thou art weary and longing for rest may bright spirirts [SIC] guide thee to the land of the blest. Sister Delia - Germania, Wis. - 3-22-1884. For more information on this individual, go to Delia's web page.] |
Emma [Block] | Sister Dollie - From a far and lonely grot I bring one flower - Forgen-me not [SIC] - Your sister Emma - Davenport, IA - April 6th, '88. [Go to Fred Block's web page for more information on her family. Emma was Fred's daughter.] |
Ella Burger | Dear Dollie - May happiness be thy lot and peace they steps attend accept this tribute of respect from one who is thy friend - Ever a friend, Ella Burger - Friendship, love and truth - remember me - Shields [Marquette Co., Wis.], August 7, 1884 |
J.B. Clough [? this is my best guess at deciphering this hard-to-read signature] | Yours truly, J.B. Clough [?] - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Germania, June 15, 1885 |
Mrs. M.A. Clough | Not enjoyment and not sorrow, so our destined and or way [?], but is out, that each tomorrow - find us farther than today. Mrs. M.A. Clough - June 12th, 1885 |
Katie Collins | April 3, 1888 - Dear Frend [SIC] - Davenport, Iowa - When this you see rember [SIC] me, Tho you see me not - Let others say just what they may but you fore get [SIC] me not. Ever yours, Katie Collins |
Libbie Dascher | When far away in distant land and you there lives review, Remember they are from a friend who often thinks of you - Your friend, Libbie Dascher - Albany, May 3d, 1887 |
H. C. Dittman | Dear friend Dollie - I wish you a long and happ [SIC] journey and a pleasant time while [I can't quite make out the next few words] and return back to your friends in [word unclear] is the wish of your friend. H.C. Dittman |
Mrs. G.E. Evans | Germania - June 18th, 1885 - Prosperity attend thee - My fair and gentle friend - May fortune e'er befriend thee - and all it's pleasures lend. Mrs. G.E. Evans, Stevens Point, Wis. |
Mrs. J.T. M. Evoy [or maybe McEvoy ?] | Dear Friend - May heaven's fondest blessings ever attend you, and when life is oér may your last moments be gold tinted by the effulgence [?] of a well spent life - Your friend Mrs. J.T. M. Evoy [?] - Keokuk, Iowa - Mar. 8th, 1891 |
Mrs. F.W. Fletcher [or possibly J. instead of F. ?] | Remember me in years to come - From your friend, Mrs. F.W. Fletcher [or possibly J.W. ? - first initial hard to read] - Keokuk [Iowa], 1891. [A Mary Fletcher shows up on the 1880 census in New Lisbon, Juneau Co., WI, living with G.R. Reinholz and his wife Minnie. Minnie was Dollie's sister. For more details on this census entry, go to Fred Block's web page.] |
Mrs. C. H. Flynn | Ever the best wishes of your friend - Mrs. C.H. Flynn |
B.F. Ganson | Friend Dollie - Davenport Iowa, April 4, 1888 - I've turned these pages o're and o're and seen what others wrote before, And in the quiet little spot I place these words; forget me not. - From your kind friend, B.F. Ganson |
Minnie Gilbert. | Albany, N.Y. - August the 24th, 1886 - Dear Dollie, May thy voyage through life be as happy and free as the dancing waves on the deep blue sea. This is the wish of your loving sister Minnie Gilbert. [It looks like Minnie's last name could be an abbreviation] |
K.F. Gleason | June 17th, 1888 - Dear Friend Dollie, In your golden chains of friendship regard me as a link. Your respt. K.F. Gleason. This may be Dollie's sister-in-law. Charles T. Block married Kate F. Gleason on June 17, 1888 in Muscatine, Iowa. [Go to Fred Block's web page for more information on Charles' family.] |
Rebeckah H. Greene | Dear Dollie - Yes we past, but not forever - Joyful hopes one bosoms swell, hapy [SIC] who love the [I'm not sure of the next word] we serve know a long or last farewell. Ever your friend - Rebeckah H. Greene |
Grandma Hall [Henrietta Hall] | My Dear Dollie - As I recall from memory's tablet and notice the long list of pleasant remembrances of persons & places I find here and there a mark denoting special attention, and as the column increases in magnitude & [I'm not sure of the next word] dates - I find associations which to me are very dear; & among them the mutual study of God's word which we've had in the Sunday class - your interest in this study has given me much joyfulness, and I trust the light which has illuminated the precious words may ever shine along your future pathway - not merely as a reflective light but as a part of yourself giving you strength for the responsibilities of successive duties; and your life became an exponent of the one thing needful in this present changeful life - and a continual testimony for that life which is to come - This includes my best wishes for you my loving friend - affectionately - Grandma Hall - Germania - Aug. 15, 1885 |
Angie M. Hartwell | Dear Dollie - I wish for you peace joy and happiness in this world and more than this do I wish for you Dollie - a right to the Eternal Home. Kindly yours, Mrs. Angie M. Hartwell. Germania - Jan. 24, 1884 |
Genie J.B. Hartwell | To Dollie - Friendship is a golden knot, tied by an angel's hand - Your schoolmate, Genie J.B. Hartwell - 1-24-1884 [Go to Angelina Ellis' web site; Eugene Joseph B. Hartwell was her son.] |
Maudie Hartwell | Dollie - Changes cone [SIC - I assume meant come] and we must part but distance should not change the heart. Your schoolmate Maudie Hartwell - Germania, Wis. 1-24-1884 |
S.N. Hartwell | To Dollie - With every day's beginning there is something to be done - And who does the most of winning waits not till the setting sun. Yours truly, S.N. Hartwell - Germania, Wis. - Jan. 24th, 1884. For more information on Samuel N. Hartwell and his family, go to Angelina Ellis' web page. Samuel was her second husband. |
W.G. Hartwell | Compliments of W.G. Hartwell - Germania, Wis. - 4-2-1884 |
Mrs. Nellie Hendricks | Keokuk [Iowa] - March 5th, 1891 - Dear friend - May health and prosperity ever be your portion. Your friend - Mrs. Nellie Hendricks |
Lucy A. Humphrey | Yours very sincerely, Lucy A. Humphrey - Keokuk, Iowa - July 22, 1890 |
A. F. [first letter in surname hard to read - might be Jemm] | Dear Dollie - May your cares all fly away, like dew before the sun; and when you've nothing else to do, just think me [SIC] for fun. Your friend, A.F. Jemm [?] - 1-22-1884 |
L.M. Judge | "Be a woman brightest model of that high and perfect beauty, where the mind, and soul and body blend to work out life great duty [I'm not sure I'm transcribing this last phrase correctly], be a woman [I can't read the next word] is higher on the gilded list of fame on the catalogue of virtue there's no brighter holier name." Yours - L.M. Judge, Germania, Wis. - Feb. 22, 1885, [This may or may not be Lizzie Judge who appears on the 1880 Federal Census in Germania, Shields Township, Marquette Co., WI. Lizzie was a ward of Samuel N. Hartwell, the second husband of Angelina Ellis.] |
Katie M. Kaag | A long life and a merry one too is what I ask of God for you. Ever your friend - Katie M. Kaag - July 30th, 1886 |
Mattie Kauffman | Dear Friend, Virtue in itself commands its happiness. Of every outward object independent, Ever your friend - Mattie Kauffman, Davenport, Sept. 4, 1884 |
Nannie Kauffman | Dear Friend - O grant me, heav'n, a middle state neither too humble nor to [SIC] great; more than enough for nature's ends, with something left to treat my friends. Your friend, Nannie Kauffman - Sept. 4, 1887 |
Mamma Y.A. Keyes | Dear Dollie - "Trust in the Lord, and to good, so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed." Every your friend - Mamma Y.A. Keyes - 4-5-1884, Germania, Wis. |
Papa Keyes | Germania - Oct. 3, 1885 - Dollie, True wisdom is to seek the savior in youth. Papa Keyes |
M.E. [or possibly N.E. ?] Killion | Compliments of M.E. Killion |
Emil Kuhn | Dear Friend - You may write your name in albums, you may write your name in sand, you may chissle [SIC] your name in marble, with a firm and skilful [as written] hand. But the monument will crumble like all earthly things decay, but the friendship of a true friend will never fade away. Your friend Emil Kuhn - Jan. 9th, '87 |
M.E.A.L. [initials only given] | Dear Friend Dollie - Distance may sweep between us friends, Still our hearts unchanged will be. Our pens will be our faithful toungs [?] heard even beyond the sea. Ever your true friend, M.E.A.L. - 1885 |
Mr. and Mrs. L.E. [or S.E. ?] Leighton | Mr. and Mrs. L.E. [or S.E. ?] Leighton - Germania, Wis. - Sept. 1885. [This may be Lowell E. Leighton who appears on an 1880 census in Germania, Marquette Co., WI. For more details on the Leighton family, go to Angelina Ellis' web page.] |
Julia A. Parker | Germania, Wis. - June 18, 1885 - Dear Dollie - Virtue hath charms which long endure and may these charms be eery yours - May virtue be your constant aim and all that's good attend your name. Your friend Julia A. Parker [For information on the Parker family, go to George Phillips' web page; his daughter May married Cephas Parker, and I have posted some census entries that include Julia Parker. |
Lydia [last name very hard to read - first letters look like Pa] | March 30, 1884 - Dear Dollie, Long may you liv [SIC] and happie [SIC] may you be and blessed with contanant [SIC] and oftan [SIC] think of me. Lydia [last name hard to read] - Oshkosh, Wis. |
Amelia Pause [? last name a little hard to read; I may be mistranscribing it] | March 31, 1884 or possibly 1889 - Always remember your friend, Amelia Pause [?] - Oshkosh, Wis.) |
Nettie S. [?] Peirce [middle initial hard to read] | Dear friend Dollie - Useful and steady may thy life proceed, mild every word, good-natured every deed. Never with one thou lovest contend, but bear a thousand frailties from your friend. Very affecitonately, Nettie Peirce [middle initial hard to read] - Germania - June 30/85. [For more information, go to Henrietta Jones' web page. Nettie was the wife of Henrietta's son Clarence Peirce.] |
Geo. E. Phillips | Dear Dollie - Let there be enough of clouds, To make sunshine beautiful - Your brother, Geo. E. Phillips - Germania, Wis. 4-6-1884 [George Phillips was the husband of Dollie's sister Delia] |
Jessie Phillips | When rocks, and hills, divide us, and you no more I see - Just take your pen and paper and write a line to me. Your friend, Jessie Phillips. Aug. 31 [year not given], St. Louis MO |
Mary E. Phillips | To Dollie - "Let us then be up and doing, with a heart for any fate; still achieving still pursuing, learn to labor and to wait." Your friend Mary E. Phillips - Germania, Wis. 3-8-1885 |
Nellie B. Phillips | That you may have a safe and pleasant journey - is the sincere wish of your friend - St. Louis, MO, Aug. 30th, 1888 - Nellie B. Phillips |
Mrs. J.H. Piper | My dear friend - Christ is the fountain of love peace and happiness. May you drink at the fountain and be happy. Lovingly Mrs. J.H. Piper - Fitchburg, Mass - June 10th, 1885 |
Barbara [last name hard to read - looks like Placek or Plaraek ??] | Dear Friend: When in a far and distant land you view the writing of my hand, if my face you cannot see, then dear Dollie, think of me. Your friend, Barbara Placek [?] |
Blanche E. Ralph | Bona fide - Dear Dollie - I ask not for you sweet one, all happiness and sunshine as others have done, but that life may have just enough shadow to temper the glare of the sun. Your true friend, Blanche E. Ralph - 1-16-1884 |
George Reinholz | Dear Dollie, Your [next word hard to read - looks something like fredact or fredad ? -- does not look like the word friend] George Reinholz, Germania, Wis., July 24th '84. [This may be the son of Dollie's brother-in-law George Reynders and his first wife Anne Victoria Petersen; his second wife was Dollie's sister Minnie. For more information, go to Fred Block's web page.] |
Henry Reinholz | Dear Dollie, This album is a golden spot in which I write for get [as written] me not. Henry Reinholz - Germania, Wis., - July 19th, 1884. [This might be the son of Dollie's brother-in-law George Reinholz/Reynders and his first wife Anne Victoria Petersen; his second wife was Dollie's sister Minnie. Go to Fred Block's web page for more information.] |
A. Reynders | Compliments of A. Reynders - 11 Jul. 99. [This may be Alfred Reynders, the son of George R. Reinholz and Minnie Block. For more information, go to Fred Block's web page. Minnie was Fred's daughter.] |
Maggie Rich | Princeton, Jan. 28, 1884 - Friend Dollie, Remember me ever, remember me yet, though distance may sever oh never forget your friend - Maggie Rich |
Hattie Round | Germania - Feb. 21, 1885 - Dear Dollie - Fruit that[']s mellow soon will ripen, loven and friendship soon grow cold, young men's vows are soon forgotten, look out Dollie don't get folled - Your true friend, Hattie Round |
Olive Scovel [or possible Soovel] | 1884 - Dear Dollie, You are young you are wity [SIC], You are single what a pity, Some are single for your sake, What a pretty couple you would make. Your true friend, Olive Scovel [?] |
Murry E. Tilton | T. Tilton - Minot Place, Newtonville, Mass.; Murry E. Tilton - Minot Place, Newtonville, Mass. |
Geo. F. Whitney | Geo. F. Whitney - Bellevue Place, Natick, Mass. - 1885 |
S. Whitney -- Sarah F. Whitney | [Two entries on this one page - unclear if it is too separate signatures or if the second entry is to clarify the S. Whitney entry] - S. Whitney - Bellevue Place, Natick, Mass. and Sarah F. Whitney, Natick, Mass. |
C. Bertha Wickham | Robertson, Iowa - Feb. 20, 1898 - Dear Friend: As the rolling stone gathers no moss, So the roving heart gathers no affections. Yours in friendship - C. Bertha Wickham |
Estella Windecker | Robertson, Iowa, Nov. 13, 1898 - Dear Friend: God is our refuge and our strength, a present help in the time of trouble. Yours sincerely, Estella Windecker |